Roger Pau Monne writes ("[Xen-devel] [PATCH 4/6] osstest: introduce a helper to 
get the svn revision of a git commit"):
> This only works when the svn revision is stored as a git note
> with the format 'revision=<revision number>'.

Wow.  This is pretty ugly.

> Such conversion is required in order to bootstrap a FreeBSD system
> without relying on external package repositories. FreeBSD base system
> only contains a subversion client (no git client), and thus in order
> to fetch the ports repository (that contain the external packages
> build makefiles) svn must be used.

git notes have some different way of travelling than commits, don't
they ?  Where is this git note coming from and how do we know it is
the right note, IYSWIM ?

Aside from that, please break the refactoring (in this case, the
breaking out of repo_get_realurl) into a separate NFC patch.


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