On Thu, 2019-05-02 at 15:08 +0100, Andrew Cooper wrote:
> Sadly it cant.
> We have a number of alignment issues (well - confusions at least), most
> obviously that trampoline_{start,end} in the linked Xen image has no
> particular alignment, but the relocated trampoline_start has a 4k
> requirement as a consequence of its alias with trampoline_realmode_entry.
> All it takes is one error in the 32bit asm which relocates the
> trampoline and this ends up exploding in a way which can only be
> detected at runtime.

I'm relocating the permanent trampoline from 64-bit C code now, not in
assembly. In the no-real-mode case (ignoring reloc(), qv) nothing is
put into low memory until __start_xen() calls relocate_trampoline().

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