>>> On 26.04.19 at 00:59, <pers...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  On Apr 25, 2019, at 12:36, Lars Kurth <lars.ku...@citrix.com> wrote:
>> Alright,
>> there was a lengthy discussion on this topic on IRC - log attached. The 
> consensus appears to be to use Canonical messages with a CAPITALISED tag. 
> E.g. "[TAG] Xen 4.13 Development Update".
>> The options which seemed to have least objections are
>> 1: [ANNOUNCE]
>> 3: [PROCESS]
>> And that we should use these for other messages/announcements related to the 
> operation of Xen Project Development.
> On mobile devices, shorter subjects are better.  A [xen-devel] email already 
> has one 11-character tag. Since tags are in CAPITALS, abbreviated tags = less 
> SHOuting.
>> [Diziet] Only because we copy everything from -announce to -devel.
> Some mailing lists use [ANN] for announcements.  Email mirrored to xen-devel 
> from -announce could prefix the [ANN] tag, which would not be used for 
> non-mirrored email, since all announcements would be directed to -announce.
>> [gwd] But in my mind, things like RM updates (which happen pretty regularly) 
> and say, Developer Summit announcements, are different things.
> The messages which prompted this discussion were related to release 
> management.  These were called RM in the IRC discussion, which suggests [RM] 
> as a possible tag.  It's quick to type and non-distracting to read.  This 
> would not preclude other tags for non [RM] messages.

Otoh the shorter you make a tag, the more ambiguous it becomes.
This may not be an issue to people involved in the discussion here,
or regularly reading the list, but it may easily be confusing to others
(and even the ones mentioned first, if it gets used rarely enough).


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