On Fri, 19 Apr 2019 at 14:19, Kevin Buckley
<kevin.buckley.ecs.vuw.ac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am looking to build a Xen from a downloaded source tree at commit cb70a26
> In the tools/Makefile, there is this target at Line 204
> .PHONY: qemu-xen-dir-force-update
> qemu-xen-dir-force-update: qemu-xen-dir-find
>         set -ex; \
>         if [ "$(QEMU_UPSTREAM_REVISION)" ]; then \
>                 cd qemu-xen-dir-remote; \
>                 $(GIT) fetch origin; \
>                 $(GIT) reset --hard $(QEMU_UPSTREAM_REVISION); \
>         fi
> however, i can't find any other mention of the directory 
> "qemu-xen-dir-remote;"
> in the source tree, other than the removal of it in the same
> Makefile's distclean
> ...
> so where would it get created ?

To answer this one myself: if one allows the Xen install to clone
the QEMU installation then


is named of the directory that gets created by a script, howver
within the script the name comes from a ${QEMU_DIR}-remote
construct, hence it not being visisble to a plain text search across
the source tree, except at the point where the Makefile references it.

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