On Wed, 17 Apr 2019 at 22:51, Wei Liu <wei.l...@citrix.com> wrote:
> Frankly I'm not a big fan of this approach -- you can potentially get
> different toolchain depending on how you build stuff. I would rather
> just document that for hypervisor build either python is available or
> you should specify PYTHON= when invoking make.
> Wei.

As I started all this off, I thought I'd add in a little bit more, as I
think there may be more ot this than meets the eye, well, certainly
my eye anyway.

Clearly, many of the scripts in the tools part use python scripts that
have a /usr/bin/env python approach to finding a "python"

I therefore tried making a link from




and then ran the configure, WITHOUT defining a PYTHON

./configure --prefix=/usr   \
   --disable-seabios   \
   --disable-qemu-traditional  \
   --disable-rombios     \
   --disable-stubdom 2>&1 | tee ../config.log

This failed whilst looking for Python.h

So, even though I have the link, I have still been running the
configure WITH a PYTHON being defined

PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3 ./configure --prefix=/usr   \
   --disable-seabios   \
   --disable-qemu-traditional  \
   --disable-rombios     \
   --disable-stubdom 2>&1 | tee ../config.log

and that does appear to configure things.

My "make world" is still failing

I am actually thinking of installing a Python 2 and making the link to
the bare /usr/bin/python point to that, just to see if I can get things
to build.

Hope that's useful,


I have another question about the /tools/Makefile but I'll ask that
in another thread.

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