On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 02:21:44PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > Gitlab CI doesn't have a self pushgate. If it is broken by accident Osstest
> > will be blocked.
> Could we plan some kind of procedural or robotic workaround ?

So my thoughts around this are on priority values. Admittedly it could
use some refinement but roughly speaking if someone pushed a series that
broke osstest we could have a fix-up series/patch where it was acked and
it was given a priority weight higher than any other series. This would
cause the GitLab CI loop to test that series and get that pushed above
all others.

Similarly to avoid bogging down testing for small changes like
docs/comments/etc having a "rollup" tag which would have GitLab CI
create a series from all things currently labeled "rollup" as push them
as a whole.


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