Hard-coding the special section group sizes is unreliable. Instead,
determine them dynamically by finding the related struct definitions
in the DWARF metadata.

This is a livepatch backport of kpatch upstream commit [1]:
kpatch-build: detect special section group sizes 170449847136a48b19fc

Xen only deals with alt_instr, bug_frame and exception_table_entry
structures, so sizes of these structers are obtained from xen-syms.

This change is needed since with recent Xen the alt_instr structure
has changed size from 12 to 14 bytes.


Signed-off-by: Pawel Wieczorkiewicz <wipa...@amazon.de>
Reviewed-by: Bjoern Doebel <doe...@amazon.de>
Reviewed-by: Martin Mazein <amaz...@amazon.de>
 create-diff-object.c | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 livepatch-build      | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/create-diff-object.c b/create-diff-object.c
index 1e6e617..b0b4dcb 100644
--- a/create-diff-object.c
+++ b/create-diff-object.c
@@ -958,12 +958,54 @@ static void kpatch_mark_constant_labels_same(struct 
kpatch_elf *kelf)
-static int bug_frames_0_group_size(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, int offset) { 
return 8; }
-static int bug_frames_1_group_size(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, int offset) { 
return 8; }
-static int bug_frames_2_group_size(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, int offset) { 
return 8; }
-static int bug_frames_3_group_size(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, int offset) { 
return 16; }
-static int ex_table_group_size(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, int offset) { return 
8; }
-static int altinstructions_group_size(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, int offset) { 
return 12; }
+static int bug_frames_group_size(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, int offset)
+    static int size = 0;
+    char *str;
+    if (!size) {
+        str = getenv("BUG_STRUCT_SIZE");
+        size = str ? atoi(str) : 8;
+    }
+    return size;
+static int bug_frames_3_group_size(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, int offset)
+    static int size = 0;
+    char *str;
+    if (!size) {
+        str = getenv("BUG_STRUCT_SIZE");
+        size = str ? atoi(str) : 16;
+    }
+    return size;
+static int ex_table_group_size(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, int offset)
+    static int size = 0;
+    char *str;
+    if (!size) {
+        str = getenv("EX_STRUCT_SIZE");
+        size = str ? atoi(str) : 8;
+    }
+    return size;
+static int altinstructions_group_size(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, int offset)
+    static int size = 0;
+    char *str;
+    if (!size) {
+        str = getenv("ALT_STRUCT_SIZE");
+        size = str ? atoi(str) : 12;
+    }
+    printf("altinstr_size=%d\n", size);
+    return size;
  * The rela groups in the .fixup section vary in size.  The beginning of each
@@ -1016,15 +1058,15 @@ static int fixup_group_size(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, 
int offset)
 static struct special_section special_sections[] = {
                .name           = ".bug_frames.0",
-               .group_size     = bug_frames_0_group_size,
+               .group_size     = bug_frames_group_size,
                .name           = ".bug_frames.1",
-               .group_size     = bug_frames_1_group_size,
+               .group_size     = bug_frames_group_size,
                .name           = ".bug_frames.2",
-               .group_size     = bug_frames_2_group_size,
+               .group_size     = bug_frames_group_size,
                .name           = ".bug_frames.3",
diff --git a/livepatch-build b/livepatch-build
index c057fa1..a6cae12 100755
--- a/livepatch-build
+++ b/livepatch-build
@@ -284,6 +284,29 @@ echo "Output directory: ${OUTPUT}"
 echo "================================================"
+if [ -f "$XENSYMS" ]; then
+    echo "Reading special section data"
+    SPECIAL_VARS=$(readelf -wi "$XENSYMS" |
+               gawk --non-decimal-data '
+               BEGIN { a = b = e = 0 }
+               a == 0 && /DW_AT_name.* alt_instr/ {a = 1; next}
+               b == 0 && /DW_AT_name.* bug_frame/ {b = 1; next}
+               e == 0 && /DW_AT_name.* exception_table_entry/ {e = 1; next}
+               a == 1 {printf("export ALT_STRUCT_SIZE=%d\n", $4); a = 2}
+               b == 1 {printf("export BUG_STRUCT_SIZE=%d\n", $4); b = 2}
+               e == 1 {printf("export EX_STRUCT_SIZE=%d\n", $4); e = 2}
+               a == 2 && b == 2 && e == 2 {exit}')
+    [[ -n $SPECIAL_VARS ]] && eval "$SPECIAL_VARS"
+    if [[ -z $ALT_STRUCT_SIZE ]] || [[ -z $BUG_STRUCT_SIZE ]] || [[ -z 
$EX_STRUCT_SIZE ]]; then
+        die "can't find special struct size"
+    fi
+        if [[ ! $i -gt 0 ]] || [[ ! $i -le 16 ]]; then
+            die "invalid special struct size $i"
+        fi
+    done
 if [ "${SKIP}" != "build" ]; then
     [ -e "${OUTPUT}" ] && die "Output directory exists"
     grep -q 'CONFIG_LIVEPATCH=y' "${CONFIGFILE}" || die "CONFIG_LIVEPATCH must 
be enabled"

Amazon Development Center Germany GmbH
Krausenstr. 38
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Geschaeftsfuehrer: Christian Schlaeger, Ralf Herbrich
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