On 01/04/2019 09:05, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>> On 01.04.19 at 07:59, <jgr...@suse.com> wrote:
>> On 30/03/2019 10:59, Juergen Gross wrote:
>>> On 29/03/2019 22:33, Andrew Cooper wrote:
>>>> If at all possible, I'd prefer to see about disentangling the bits which
>>>> actually need external use, and putting them in sched.h, and making
>>>> sched-if.h properly private to the schedulers.  I actually even started
>>>> a cleanup series which moved all of the scheduler infrastructure into
>>>> common/sched/, but found a disappointing quantity of sched-if.h being
>>>> referenced externally.
>>> I can add something like that to my series if you want. So:
>>> - moving schedule.c, sched_*.c and cpupool.c to common/sched/
>>> - move stuff from sched-if.h to sched.h if needed outside of
>>>   common/sched/
>>> - move sched-if.h to common/sched/
>> Questions to especially the scheduler maintainers and "the REST": should
>> we move the scheduler stuff to xen/common/sched/ or would /xen/sched/ be
>> more appropriate?
>> Maybe it would be worthwhile to move e.g. the context switching from
>> xen/arch/*/domain.c to xen/sched/context_<arch>.c? I think this code is
>> rather scheduler related and moving it to the sched directory might help
>> hiding some scheduler internals from other sources, especially with my
>> core scheduling series. IMO this would make the xen/sched/ directory the
>> preferred one.
> FWIW, I don't really mind such a move as long as it won't result in
> then having to expose various arch-internals just to make them
> usable from xen/sched/context_<arch>.c (or whatever it's going
> to be named - the name is a little longish for my taste).
> But may I recommend not to do too many things all in one go?

While I did suggest this originally, I too am a little wary about the
scope creep.

If moving everything is too much, can we at least try to not make the
sched-if.h situation any worse than it currently is.


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