Am Wed, 13 Mar 2019 08:36:52 -0600
schrieb "Jan Beulich" <>:

> Why is there this big step between 199 and 200? And why does an
> initial value of 200 get handled the same as an initial value of 0, but
> then 400 doesn't get handled this same way again? And (seeing the
> last row I've added now) how is the result staying in range?

Well, capping the PPM-to-khz value may not work anyway as outlined in the
other email about missing 'drift'. We may just leave that PPM value as is,
or reduce it upfront by a certain amount. Since right now the real drift
is not considered, the plain 500PPM may work or not in the worst case.

I will think about if and how drift should be part of the picture.


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