On 03/03/2019 14:58, osstest service owner wrote:
> flight 133517 xen-unstable real [real]
> http://logs.test-lab.xenproject.org/osstest/logs/133517/
> Regressions :-(
> Tests which did not succeed and are blocking,
> including tests which could not be run:
>  test-armhf-armhf-xl           5 host-ping-check-native   fail REGR. vs. 
> 133300
>  test-armhf-armhf-xl-multivcpu  6 xen-install             fail REGR. vs. 
> 133300


> version targeted for testing:
>  xen                  f393b82fe5ba3ed9cfe2b306ffa53368e55b75af
> baseline version:
>  xen                  365aabb6e5023cee476adf81106729efd49c644f

comparing this with:

On 02/03/2019 08:14, osstest service owner wrote:
> flight 133489 xen-unstable real [real]
> http://logs.test-lab.xenproject.org/osstest/logs/133489/
> Regressions :-(
> Tests which did not succeed and are blocking,
> including tests which could not be run:
>  test-amd64-i386-xl-qemut-stubdom-debianhvm-amd64-xsm 7 xen-boot fail
REGR. vs. 133300


> version targeted for testing:
>  xen                  b50acc560b09ef7c7274011a95dff7121563f3f2
> baseline version:
>  xen                  365aabb6e5023cee476adf81106729efd49c644f

and the differing commit touching tools/tests only I believe a force
push might be appropriate, as the culprit seems to be an infrastructure

Ian, in case you agree I'd like you to cut RC4 on commit


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