On Mon, 25 Feb 2019, Lars Kurth wrote:
>       On 25 Feb 2019, at 13:47, Oleksandr Andrushchenko <andr2...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> On 2/25/19 3:40 PM, Julien Grall wrote:
>                   My point is not about sending such code on the mailing 
> list. My point is you need to
>                   provide as much as possible details in your cover letter so 
> we can be more efficient
>                   when reviewing. For instance, many of us does not have 
> access to MISRA spec because it
>                   is not free...
>             While I agree that one has to provide as much supporting 
> information as possible
>             while presenting some work to the community it is that I cannot 
> disclose
>             MISRA rules here. As you said, MISRA spec is not free. And of 
> course I cannot
>             expect anyone to by it for the reason that someone wants some 
> patch to be
>             "securely" or blindly reviewed. (BTW, this is the topic that has 
> already been
>             raised in our team internally and being discussed)
>       I understand that MISRA is not free and does not ask you to copy/paste 
> the PDF.
>       What I ask is provide enough pointer for us to understand how this fits 
> in Xen code base. For instance, a lot
>       of the MISRA rules have explanation online (see website such as [1] and 
> [2]). Another alternative is to
>       summarize the issues with your own arguments.
> Totally agree, I'll try harder next time in finding open sources with rule's
> descriptions
> I am wondering, whether it would make sense to buy a set of MISRA C online 
> copies for people who regularly review other people's
> code (eg. one per active committer). The cost is not that high per licenseThe 
> problem is that it would exclude a part of the
> community
> There would also be a minimal management overhead
Excellent idea. In fact, I was discussing this with Julien last week: I
think we need all the hypervisor committers to have access to the MISRAC
spec.  Julien and I already have a copy thanks to our employers. We need
Jan, Andrew, and George to have one copy too.

Ideally, we should be able to do this in advance on the meeting next

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