On 19.02.19 12:00, Julien Grall wrote:
Hi Oleksandr,

On 2/18/19 8:14 PM, Oleksandr wrote:

On 18.02.19 16:00, Julien Grall wrote:


Hi Julien

On 01/02/2019 12:37, Oleksandr Tyshchenko wrote:
From: Oleksandr Tyshchenko <oleksandr_tyshche...@epam.com>

Extend existing driver to be able to handle SCIFA interface as well.

In general a patch should do only one thing. In this case, this should have been split in 2 patches: one to extend the driver, the second to add support for SCIFA.

Please split the patch accordingly.

Not entirely clear to me how the current patch should be split...

- The first patch will be just a copy of the current patch, but without new compatible string (SCIFA).

Without anything related to SCIFA. This patch would only contain the rework of the code.

- The second patch will add new compatible string.

+ anything related to SCIFA (Macros and the SCIFA element in the array port_params.

It is clear now. Will do.



Oleksandr Tyshchenko

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