Hi all

The locking scheme seems to be remaining sticking point. The rest are
mostly cosmetic issues (FAOD, they still need to be addressed).  Frankly
I don't think there is enough time to address all the technical details,
but let me sum up each side's position and see if we can reach an
amicable solution.

From maintainers and reviewers' point of view:

1. Maintainers / reviewers don't like complexity unless absolutely
2. Maintainers / reviewers feel they have a responsibility to understand
   the code and algorithm.

Yet being the gatekeepers doesn't necessarily mean we understand every
technical details and every usecase. We would like to, but most of the
time it is unrealistic.

Down to this specific patch series:

Roger thinks the locking scheme is too complex. Christopher argues
that's necessary for short-live channels to be performant.

Both have their point.

I think having a complex locking scheme is inevitable, just like we did
for performant grant table several years ago.  Regardless of the timing
issue we have at hand, asking Christopher to implement a stripped down
version creates more work for him.

Yet ignoring Roger's concerns is unfair to him as well, since he put in
so much time and effort to understand the algorithm and provide
suggestions. It is in fact unreasonable to ask anyone to fully
understand the locking mechanism and check the implementation is correct
in a few days (given the series was posted in Dec and there were major
holidays in between, plus everyone had other commitments).

To unblock this, how about we make Christopher maintainer of Argo? He
and OpenXT will be on the hook for further improvement. And I believe it
would be in their best interest to keep Argo bug-free and eventually
make it become supported.


1. Make sure Argo is self-contained -- this requires careful review for
   interaction between Argo and other parts of the hypervisor.
2. Argo is going to be experimental and off-by-default -- this is the
   default status for new feature anyway.
3. Make Christopher maintainer of Argo -- this would be a natural thing
   to do anyway.

Does this work for everyone?


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