On Wed, 2018-12-19 at 15:33 -0700, Tamas K Lengyel wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 11:52 AM Petre Pircalabu
> <ppircal...@bitdefender.com> wrote:
> > 
> > This patchset is a rework of the "multi-page ring buffer" for
> > vm_events
> > patch based on Andrew Cooper's comments.
> > For synchronous vm_events the ring waitqueue logic was unnecessary
> > as the
> > vcpu sending the request was blocked until a response was received.
> > To simplify the request/response mechanism, an array of slotted
> > channels
> > was created, one per vcpu. Each vcpu puts the request in the
> > corresponding slot and blocks until the response is received.
> > 
> > I'm sending this patch as a RFC because, while I'm still working on
> > way to
> > measure the overall performance improvement, your feedback would be
> > a great
> > assistance.
> Generally speaking this approach is OK, but I'm concerned that we
> will
> eventually run into the same problem that brought up the idea of
> using
> multi-page rings: vm_event structures that are larger then a page.
> Right now this series adds a ring for each vCPU, which does mitigate
> some of the bottleneck, but it does not really address the root
> cause.
> It also adds significant complexity as the userspace side now has to
> map in multiple rings, each with its own event channel and polling
> requirements.
> Tamas
The memory for the vm_event "rings" (actually for synchronous vm_event
just an array of vm_event_slot structures ( state + vm_event_request /
vm_event_response) is allocated directly from domheap and spans over as
many pages as necessary.
Regarding the userspace complexity, unfortunately I haven't had a
better idea (but I'm open to suggestions).
In order to have a lock-free mechanism to access the vm_event data,
each vcpu should access only its own slot (referenced by vcpu_id).
I have used the "one event channel per slot + one for the async ring"
approach, because, to my understanding, the only additional information
an event channel can carry is the vcpu on which is triggered.


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