On Mon, Dec 3, 2018 at 8:49 AM Chris Patterson <cjp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > == Future items
> >
> > The Linux device driver used to test this software is derived from the
> > OpenXT v4v Linux device driver, available at:
> >     https://github.com/OpenXT/v4v
> > The Argo implementation is not yet ready to publish (focus has been on
> > the hypervisor code to this point). A Linux device driver suitable for
> > inclusion in Xen will be submitted for a future Xen release and
> > incorporation into OpenXT.
> >
> Hey Christopher, I am glad you are tackling this.  While the Linux
> driver is not ready to publish, is there a version you can share for
> someone who wants to test this series?  Or is the v4v driver
> compatible as-is?

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the interest -- so: ok, for you to take a look and to
enable testing by anyone who would like to: I've just pushed a copy of
the Argo ported Linux driver and userspace interposer, etc., with some
OpenEmbedded build integration and instructions, to my github account


This a pretty fast port of the v4v Linux software to use the argo
interfaces -- the existing OpenXT v4v interface is not quite the same
-- plus metadata in there to turn it into a new OpenEmbedded layer in
the same repo with recipes to work with meta-virtualization. I've been
building with the rocko release, just to pick a stable reference
point, so it's the rocko branch in meta-argo-linux that you'll want to
look at, and there are instructions in the README.md in that branch.

If you build that per the instructions, just a heads up that the Xen
recipe in there will pull from a recent snapshot of Xen's staging
branch, with the posted Argo series applied, from a copy on my github

If you give it a spin, let me know how it goes.



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