On 29/10/2018 16:16, Andrii Anisov wrote:
Hello Julien
On 29.10.18 15:36, Julien Grall wrote:0
I wrote down an answer yesterday (sent it today) to your previous
answer. You may use the LRs information from the previous guest trap as
interrupts are re-enabled before storing the LRs.
Yes, it is the case. I've overlooked that for some exceptions interrupts
are enabled before enter_hypervisor_head().
Can you try the patch below?
I tried it, and it works like a charm for the issue.
What is the issue? Is it just your print or there a latent bug in current vGIC?
The only notice here is that, I suppose, changes are needed for
exceptions taken from a guest mode. For the exceptions taken from hyp,
we do not massage gic in enter_hypervisor_head.
I actually prefer if we re-enable interrupts after entry_hypervisor_head(). This
makes the code working the same way everywhere so less trouble to figure out
Julien Grall
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