On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 08:25:50AM -0600, Jan Beulich wrote:
> Emulation requiring device model assistance uses a form of instruction
> re-execution, assuming that the second (and any further) pass takes
> exactly the same path. This is a valid assumption as far use of CPU
> registers goes (as those can't change without any other instruction
> executing in between), but is wrong for memory accesses. In particular
> it has been observed that Windows might page out buffers underneath an
> instruction currently under emulation (hitting between two passes). If
> the first pass translated a linear address successfully, any subsequent
> pass needs to do so too, yielding the exact same translation.
> Introduce a cache (used by just guest page table accesses for now) to
> make sure above described assumption holds. This is a very simplistic
> implementation for now: Only exact matches are satisfied (no overlaps or
> partial reads or anything).
> As to the actual data page in this scenario, there are a couple of
> aspects to take into consideration:
> - We must be talking about an insn accessing two locations (two memory
>   ones, one of which is MMIO, or a memory and an I/O one).
> - If the non I/O / MMIO side is being read, the re-read (if it occurs at
>   all) is having its result discarded, by taking the shortcut through
>   the first switch()'s STATE_IORESP_READY case in hvmemul_do_io(). Note
>   how, among all the re-issue sanity checks there, we avoid comparing
>   the actual data.
> - If the non I/O / MMIO side is being written, it is the OSes
>   responsibility to avoid actually moving page contents to disk while
>   there might still be a write access in flight - this is no different
>   in behavior from bare hardware.
> - Read-modify-write accesses are, as always, complicated, and while we
>   deal with them better nowadays than we did in the past, we're still
>   not quite there to guarantee hardware like behavior in all cases
>   anyway. Nothing is getting worse by the changes made here, afaict.
> Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeul...@suse.com>
> Acked-by: Tim Deegan <t...@xen.org>
> Reviewed-by: Paul Durrant <paul.durr...@citrix.com>


Reviewed-by: Wei Liu <wei.l...@citrix.com>

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