George Dunlap writes ("Re: [PATCH v2 6/6] RFC: tools/dm_restrict: Enable QEMU 
> From
> `elevateprivileges` is currently required to allow `-runas` to work.
> Removing this requirement would mean making sure that the uid change
> happened before the seccomp2 call, perhaps by changing the uid before
> executing QEMU.  (But this would then require other changes to create
> the QMP socket, VNC socket, and so on).
> Should I C&P this into a comment here?


I think the conclusion I would draw from that comment is not that the
uid change should happen before exec'ing qemu, but that the seccomp
call in qemu is made too early.  But fine.

> > In this syntax, what happens with unmentioned abilities ?
> Good question -- the -help doesn't seem to say.  Looking at the code
> (qemu-seccomp.c:parse_sandbox()) for those who want to follow along at
> home), it seems different options have different default values (which
> are not mentioned) -- obsolete is default deny, but spawn,
> elevateprivileges, and resourcsecontrol are default allow.

Erk.  I guess we could parse -help output :-/.

What about capabilities not known to the qemu source code ?


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