Wei Liu writes ("[PATCH v3 16/16] xen: decouple HVM and IOMMU capabilities"):
> HVM and IOMMU are two distinct hardware features, yet they were
> bundled together in sysctl and xl's output.
> Decouple them on sysctl level. On toolstack level we still need to
> maintain a sensible semantics for `xl info`. Massage the information
> according to the following table:
> pv      hvm     iommu           flags in xl info
> 0       0       0               n/a
> 0       0       1               n/a
> 0       1       0               hvm
> 0       1       1               hvm hvm_directio
> 1       0       0               NIL
> 1       0       1               directio
> 1       1       0               hvm
> 1       1       1               hvm hvm_directio directio


Acked-by: Ian Jackson <ian.jack...@eu.citrix.com>

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