On 09/11/2018 04:19 PM, Andrii Anisov wrote:
> On 11.09.18 13:44, George Dunlap wrote:
>> What I do in xenalyze is to have the timestamps in seconds, but always
>> print down to the nanosecond.  (For this I actually break cpu cycles
>> into s and ns separately, and then print "%u.%09u".)
> Here, we can have the same. With the 0current formula in
> xentrace_format, but changing `%(tsc)d` to `%(tsc).9f` in formats.
> BTW, I've just noticed, that reltsc is allways in cycles. And it seems
> odd, as well.

FYI, I never use xentrace_format; as far as I'm concerned it's been made
obsolete by xenalyze, and if it were up to me I'd remove it from the
tree.  Lots of people seem to find it useful, so I review patches.  But
I really care very little about what its functionality ends up being.

So feel free to propose whatever patches you want; I have very little
opinion, as long as it keeps working. :-)


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