On 30/08/18 08:33, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>> On 29.08.18 at 19:15, <andrew.coop...@citrix.com> wrote:
>> On 26/07/18 14:07, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>> Don't chance having Spectre v1 (including BCBS) gadgets. In some of the
>>> cases the insertions are more of precautionary nature rather than there
>>> provably being a gadget, but I think we should err on the safe (secure)
>>> side here.
>>> Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeul...@suse.com>
>> I'm still not convinced by the update_domain_cpuid_info() change.  It is
>> a BCBS gadget, but is restricted to the toolstack only which can get at
>> all the interesting data via legitimate means, and also not long for
>> this world.
> Well, this goes back to our beloved XSA-77, i.e. highly disaggregated tool
> stacks.

Disaggregating responsibility for domain construction to this level is a
fantasy.  Its not secure and cannot be made to be.

The lack of any work on XSA-77 from the people who use XSM would suggest
that noone is using XSM to for this purpose (which also matches my vague
understanding of how OpenXT does use XSM).

>> Everything else LGTM.  Reviewed-by: Andrew Cooper
>> <andrew.coop...@citrix.com>
> Please clarify whether you'd prefer me to drop the domctl.c part of the
> change - I'm fine either way, with just a slight preference towards
> precautions also for tool stack only interfaces.

I'd prefer you to drop it.  This code is being entirely rewritten, in a
security-relevant series, and I'll make sure that the end result isn't
vulnerable to BCBS, but if you commit this patch, its just work I'll
have to undo.


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