On 14/08/18 14:12, Christian Lindig wrote:
> On 13/08/18 11:00, Andrew Cooper wrote:
>> This series can be found in git form here:
>> http://xenbits.xen.org/gitweb/?p=people/andrewcoop/xen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/xen-create-v1
> Is this the correct URL? The subject says v2 but this is branch v1.

Oops yes.

works as well, and is the intended URL.

> Looking over the OCaml-related patches, I think they are looking good.
> Since we would like all code to be safe-string compliant I checked
> that OCaml values of type string are not being mutated but I would
> like Andrew to confirm this.

There is no change to any string handling here.  The only string used
during the domaincreate hypercall is the UUID string, which is only read
by the stubs, not altered.


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