On 01/08/2018 09:23, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>> On 31.07.18 at 19:19, <ta...@tklengyel.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 5:53 AM Jan Beulich <jbeul...@suse.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On 25.07.18 at 13:49, <a...@bitdefender.com> wrote:
>>>> -        vcpu_altp2m(curr).veinfo_gfn = _gfn(a.u.enable_notify.gfn);
>>>> -        altp2m_vcpu_update_vmfunc_ve(curr);
>>>> +        vcpu_altp2m(v).veinfo_gfn = _gfn(a.u.enable_notify.gfn);
>>>> +        altp2m_vcpu_update_vmfunc_ve(v);
>>> I'd like you to outline in the description how you mean an external
>>> agent to coordinate the use of this GFN with the guest (and in
>>> particular without in-guest agent).
>> Using #VE without an in-guest agent isn't really possible so this is
>> really just about designating the page from dom0 instead of doing it
>> with the in-guest agent. Something has to be present in the guest to
>> handle the new interrupts coming from #VE after all.
> Not necessarily - the exception could also be intercepted, and the
> external agent be informed, with it taking appropriate action.
> Anyway - if such a dependency continues to exist, I think it would
> be desirable to mention it in the description.

Any setup which intercepts #VE defeats the entire purpose of using #VE
in the first place.

We'll eventually have to cope with this situation because its not one we
can architecturally rule out (especially with nested virt in the mix),
but intercepting #VE is not something we should make available as a
user-available option.


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