On 07/03/2025 09:20, Luca Fancellu wrote:
On 7 Mar 2025, at 09:09, Julien Grall <jul...@xen.org> wrote:
   * The following flags are passed to map (applicable ones also to unmap)
   * operations, while some are passed back by lookup operations.
@@ -209,6 +233,8 @@ struct msi_msg;
  #include <xen/device_tree.h>
  int iommu_assign_dt_device(struct domain *d, struct dt_device_node *dev);
  int iommu_deassign_dt_device(struct domain *d, struct dt_device_node *dev);
  int iommu_dt_domain_init(struct domain *d);
@@ -238,6 +264,26 @@ int iommu_do_dt_domctl(struct xen_domctl *domctl, struct 
domain *d,
  int iommu_remove_dt_device(struct dt_device_node *np);
+static inline int iommu_assign_dt_device(struct domain *d,
+                                         struct dt_device_node *dev)
+    return -EINVAL;
+static inline int iommu_add_dt_device(struct dt_device_node *np)
+    return 1;

I would suggest to add a comment explain what 1 means. IIRC, this means "no 
iommu" present.

Would it be ok something like in iommu_domain_init:

  * Returns as the real iommu_add_dt_device() would: Error “no iommu" because
  * !iommu_enabled due to the fact that !HAS_PASSTHROUGH

That's fine with me. The iommu code is technically maintained by Jan, so I will wait for him to confirm he is fine with the patch before committing.


Julien Grall

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