Add domain capabilities to creating disaggregated systems.

Signed-off-by: Jason Andryuk <>
---                | 16 ++++++++++++++
 scripts/uboot-script-gen | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 63 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ b/
index ae2fdfd..25c9b6e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -250,6 +250,22 @@ Where:
   Set driver_domain in xl config file. This option is only available for
   the disk_image script.
+- DOMU_CAPS[number] = "string" or "hex" (optional)
+  A "|"-concatentated string of capabilities:
+    - control
+    - hardware
+    - xenstore
+    - dom0 (All of the above)
+    - none
+  e.g. "control|hardware"
+  Or a numeric bitwise flags to specify domain capabilities:
+  0: None
+  1: Control
+  2: Hardware
+  4: Xenstore
 - LINUX is optional but specifies the Linux kernel for when Xen is NOT
   used.  To enable this set any LINUX\_\* variables and do NOT set the
   XEN variable.
diff --git a/scripts/uboot-script-gen b/scripts/uboot-script-gen
index db2c011..397d73b 100755
--- a/scripts/uboot-script-gen
+++ b/scripts/uboot-script-gen
@@ -309,6 +309,43 @@ function add_device_tree_cpupools()
+function parse_domain_caps()
+    local caps_str="$1"
+    local caps=0
+    for x in $( echo $caps_str | sed 's/|/ /g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )
+    do
+        case "$x" in
+        none)
+            caps=$(( caps | 0 ))
+            ;;
+        control)
+            caps=$(( caps | 0x1 ))
+            ;;
+        hardware)
+            caps=$(( caps | 0x2 ))
+            ;;
+        xenstore)
+            caps=$(( caps | 0x4 ))
+            ;;
+        dom0|domain0)
+            caps=$(( caps | 0x7 ))
+            ;;
+        [0-9]*|0x[0-9a-fA-f]*)
+            caps=$(( caps | $x ))
+            ;;
+        *)
+            return 1
+            ;;
+        esac
+    done
+    echo "$caps"
+    return 0
 function xen_device_tree_editing()
     dt_set "/chosen" "#address-cells" "hex" "0x2"
@@ -386,6 +423,16 @@ function xen_device_tree_editing()
             dt_set "/chosen/domU$i" "max_maptrack_frames" "int" 
+        if test -n "${DOMU_CAPS[i]}"
+        then
+            local caps
+            if ! caps=$( parse_domain_caps ${DOMU_CAPS[i]} ) ; then
+                echo "Invalid DOMU_CAPS[$i] \"${DOMU_CAPS[i]}\""
+                cleanup_and_return_err
+            fi
+            dt_set "/chosen/domU$i" "capabilities" "int" "$caps"
+        fi
         if test -n "${DOMU_SHARED_MEM[i]}"

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