On 05/03/2025 10:05 pm, KAĞAN IŞILDAK wrote:
> Hey there
> I'm facing weird issue. At my lab env. i'm building xen 4.18 and make
> deb package than i use it on virtual machine which running on esxi
> with CPU features for nested virtualization and there's no problem. (I
> can create vm and able to do all operational things etc.)
> Last week i tried to migrate 4.19 and 4.20 but Xen get stuck on
> booting and at debug log i just see error about mounting /proc/xen
> (mount: /proc/xen: mount point does not exist.) I've no f... idea why
> it caused. (At my all tries, i used fresh install of ubuntu server
> 22.04, 24.04)
> Is there any one faced issue and is there special things to do in
> build phase for nested virtualization? (I didn't change anything while
> building 4.18, i'm just using stable branch)

/proc/xen isn't getting mounted, and that's necessary for the Xen
tooling to work.  It's a custom filesystem of type "xenfs" in Linux.

Check the status of proc-xen.mount


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