Hello Frediano,

Ok for typos fixes

Le 19/02/2025 à 13:02, Frediano Ziglio a écrit :
> On 17/02/2025 10:18, Teddy Astie wrote:
>> +Each IOMMU context within a Xen domain is identified using a domain-
>> specific
>> +context number that is used in the Xen IOMMU subsystem and the hypercall
>> +interface.
>> +
>> +The number of IOMMU context a domain is specified by either the
>> toolstack or
>> +the domain itself.
> I don't understand what you want express with the above sentence.
> Maybe it's just me.
>> +
>> +# IOMMU operations
>> +
>> +## Initialize PV-IOMMU
>> +
>> +Initialize PV-IOMMU for the domain.
>> +It can only be called once.
>> +
> Could this operation be done automatically on first context allocation ?

For initializing PV-IOMMU, you need to pass some additional parameters
(memory/context limits). To avoid a guest from initializing with
arbitrary limits, it can also be done by the toolstack (e.g domain
builder) to enforce some specific limitations as this initialization can
only be done once.

>> +## Alloc context
>> +
>> +Create a new IOMMU context for the guest and return the context
>> number to the
>> +guest.
>> +Fail if the IOMMU context limit of the guest is reached.
>> +
>> +A flag can be specified to create a identity mapping.
>> +
>> +## Free context
>> +
>> +Destroy a IOMMU context created previously.
>> +It is not possible to free the default context.
>> +
>> +Reattach context devices to default context if specified by the guest.
>> +
>> +Fail if there is a device in the context and reattach-to-default flag
>> is not
>> +specified.
>> +
>> +## Reattach device
>> +
>> +Reattach a device to another IOMMU context (including the default one).
>> +The target IOMMU context number must be valid and the context allocated.
>> +
>> +The guest needs to specify a PCI SBDF of a device he has access to.
>> +
>> +## Map/unmap page
>> +
>> +Map/unmap a page on a context.
>> +The guest needs to specify a gfn and target dfn to map.
>> +
>> +Refuse to create the mapping if one already exist for the same dfn.
>> +
>> +## Lookup page
>> +
>> +Get the gfn mapped by a specific dfn.
>> +
>> +## Remote command
>> +
>> +Make a PV-IOMMU operation on behalf of another domain.
>> +Especially useful for implementing IOMMU emulation (e.g using QEMU)
>> +or initializing PV-IOMMU with enforced limits.
>> +
>> +# Implementation considerations
>> +
>> +## Hypercall batching
>> +
>> +In order to prevent unneeded hypercalls and IOMMU flushing, it is
>> advisable to
>> +be able to batch some critical IOMMU operations (e.g map/unmap
>> multiple pages).
>> +
> I suppose that batching also implies preemption.

Yes, the current implementation does it, but I haven't updated to doc on
that aspect.

>> +## Hardware without IOMMU support
>> +
>> +Operating system needs to be aware on PV-IOMMU capability, and
>> whether it is
>> +able to make contexts. However, some operating system may critically
>> fail in
>> +case they are able to make a new IOMMU context. Which is supposed to
>> happen
>> +if no IOMMU hardware is available.
>> +
>> +The hypercall interface needs a interface to advertise the ability to
>> create
>> +and manage IOMMU contexts including the amount of context the guest
>> is able
>> +to use. Using these informations, the Dom0 may decide whether to use
>> or not
>> +the PV-IOMMU interface.
>> +
>> +## Page pool for contexts
>> +
>> +In order to prevent unexpected starving on the hypervisor memory with a
>> +buggy Dom0. We can preallocate the pages the contexts will use and make
>> +map/unmap use these pages instead of allocating them dynamically.
>> +
> Regards,
>    Frediano


Teddy Astie | Vates XCP-ng Developer

XCP-ng & Xen Orchestra - Vates solutions

web: https://vates.tech

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