On 04.02.2025 08:20, Oleksii Kurochko wrote:
> +/*
> + * The canonical order of ISA extension names in the ISA string is defined in
> + * chapter 27 of the unprivileged specification.
> + *
> + * The specification uses vague wording, such as should, when it comes to
> + * ordering, so for our purposes the following rules apply:
> + *
> + * 1. All multi-letter extensions must be separated from other extensions by 
> an
> + *    underscore.
> + *
> + * 2. Additional standard extensions (starting with 'Z') must be sorted after
> + *    single-letter extensions and before any higher-privileged extensions.
> + *
> + * 3. The first letter following the 'Z' conventionally indicates the most
> + *    closely related alphabetical extension category, IMAFDQLCBKJTPVH.
> + *    If multiple 'Z' extensions are named, they must be ordered first by
> + *    category, then alphabetically within a category.
> + *
> + * 4. Standard supervisor-level extensions (starting with 'S') must be listed
> + *    after standard unprivileged extensions.  If multiple supervisor-level
> + *    extensions are listed, they must be ordered alphabetically.
> + *
> + * 5. Standard machine-level extensions (starting with 'Zxm') must be listed
> + *    after any lower-privileged, standard extensions.  If multiple
> + *    machine-level extensions are listed, they must be ordered
> + *    alphabetically.
> + *
> + * 6. Non-standard extensions (starting with 'X') must be listed after all
> + *    standard extensions. If multiple non-standard extensions are listed, 
> they
> + *    must be ordered alphabetically.
> + *
> + * An example string following the order is:
> + *    rv64imadc_zifoo_zigoo_zafoo_sbar_scar_zxmbaz_xqux_xrux
> + *
> + * New entries to this struct should follow the ordering rules described 
> above.
> + *
> + * Extension name must be all lowercase (according to device-tree binding)
> + * and strncmp() is used in match_isa_ext() to compare extension names 
> instead
> + * of strncasecmp().
> + */
> +const struct riscv_isa_ext_data __initconst riscv_isa_ext[] = {
> +};
> +
> +static const struct riscv_isa_ext_data __initconst required_extensions[] = {
> +};

Coming back to my earlier question regarding the B (pseudo-)extension:
Since riscv_isa_ext[] only contains Zbb, is it precluded anywhere in
the spec that DT may mention just B when all of its constituents are

Which gets me on to G, which is somewhat similar in nature to B. We
require G when RISCV_ISA_RV64G=y, yet required_extensions[] doesn't
name it or its constituents. Much like we require C when RISCV_ISA_C=y,
yet it's not in the table.

> +static bool is_lowercase_extension_name(const char *str)
> +{
> +    /*
> +     * `str` could contain full riscv,isa string from device tree so one
> +     * of the stop condionitions is checking for '_' as extensions are

Nit: conditions

> +     * separated by '_'.
> +     */
> +    for ( unsigned int i = 0; (str[i] != '\0') && (str[i] != '_'); i++ )
> +        if ( !isdigit(str[i]) && !islower(str[i]) )
> +            return false;
> +
> +    return true;
> +}
> +
> +static void __init match_isa_ext(const char *name, const char *name_end,
> +                                 unsigned long *bitmap)
> +{
> +    const size_t riscv_isa_ext_count = ARRAY_SIZE(riscv_isa_ext);
> +
> +    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < riscv_isa_ext_count; i++ )
> +    {
> +        const struct riscv_isa_ext_data *ext = &riscv_isa_ext[i];
> +
> +        /*
> +         * `ext->name` (according to initialization of riscv_isa_ext[]
> +         * elements) must be all in lowercase.
> +         */
> +        ASSERT(is_lowercase_extension_name(ext->name));
> +
> +        if ( (name_end - name == strlen(ext->name)) &&
> +             !strncmp(name, ext->name, name_end - name) )

memcmp() is generally more efficient, as it doesn't need to check for
a nul terminator.

> +        {
> +            __set_bit(ext->id, bitmap);
> +            break;
> +        }
> +    }
> +}
> +
> +static int __init riscv_isa_parse_string(const char *isa,
> +                                         unsigned long *out_bitmap)
> +{
> +    if ( (isa[0] != 'r') && (isa[1] != 'v') )
> +        return -EINVAL;
> +
> +#if defined(CONFIG_RISCV_32)
> +    if ( isa[2] != '3' && isa[3] != '2' )
> +        return -EINVAL;
> +#elif defined(CONFIG_RISCV_64)
> +    if ( isa[2] != '6' && isa[3] != '4' )
> +        return -EINVAL;
> +#else
> +# error "unsupported RISC-V bitness"
> +#endif
> +
> +    isa += 4;
> +
> +    while ( *isa )
> +    {
> +        const char *ext = isa++;
> +        const char *ext_end = isa;
> +        bool ext_err = false;
> +
> +        switch ( *ext )
> +        {
> +        case 'x':
> +            printk_once("Vendor extensions are ignored in riscv,isa\n");
> +            /*
> +             * To skip an extension, we find its end.
> +             * As multi-letter extensions must be split from other 
> multi-letter
> +             * extensions with an "_", the end of a multi-letter extension 
> will
> +             * either be the null character or the "_" at the start of the 
> next
> +             * multi-letter extension.
> +             */
> +            for ( ; *isa && *isa != '_'; ++isa )
> +                ;
> +            ext_err = true;
> +            break;

I was wondering why ext_end isn't updated here. Looks like that's because
ext_err is set to true, and the checking below the switch looks at ext_err
first. That's technically fine, but - to me at least - a little confusing.
Could setting ext_end to NULL take the role of ext_err? For the code here
this would then immediately clarify why ext_end isn't otherwise maintained.
(The "err" in the name is also somewhat odd: The log message above says
"ignored", and that's what the code below also does. There's nothing
error-ish in here; in fact there may be nothing wrong about the specific
vendor extension we're ignoring.)

> +        case 's':
> +            /*
> +             * Workaround for invalid single-letter 's' & 'u' (QEMU):
> +             *   Before QEMU 7.1 it was an issue with misa to ISA string
> +             *   conversion:
> +             *     
> https://patchwork.kernel.org/project/qemu-devel/patch/dee09d708405075420b29115c1e9e87910b8da55.1648270894.git.research_tra...@irq.a4lg.com/#24792587
> +             *   Additional details of the workaround on Linux kernel side:
> +             *     
> https://lore.kernel.org/linux-riscv/ae93358e-e117-b43d-faad-772c529f8...@irq.a4lg.com/#t
> +             *
> +             * No need to set the bit in riscv_isa as 's' & 'u' are
> +             * not valid ISA extensions. It works unless the first
> +             * multi-letter extension in the ISA string begins with
> +             * "Su" and is not prefixed with an underscore.
> +             */
> +            if ( ext[-1] != '_' && ext[1] == 'u' )
> +            {
> +                ++isa;
> +                ext_err = true;
> +                break;
> +            }
> +            fallthrough;
> +        case 'z':
> +            /*
> +             * Before attempting to parse the extension itself, we find its 
> end.
> +             * As multi-letter extensions must be split from other 
> multi-letter
> +             * extensions with an "_", the end of a multi-letter extension 
> will
> +             * either be the null character or the "_" at the start of the 
> next
> +             * multi-letter extension.
> +             *
> +             * Next, as the extensions version is currently ignored, we
> +             * eliminate that portion. This is done by parsing backwards from
> +             * the end of the extension, removing any numbers. This may be a
> +             * major or minor number however, so the process is repeated if a
> +             * minor number was found.
> +             *
> +             * ext_end is intended to represent the first character *after* 
> the
> +             * name portion of an extension, but will be decremented to the 
> last
> +             * character itself while eliminating the extensions version 
> number.
> +             * A simple re-increment solves this problem.
> +             */
> +            for ( ; *isa && *isa != '_'; ++isa )
> +                if ( unlikely(!isalnum(*isa)) )
> +                    ext_err = true;
> +
> +            ext_end = isa;
> +            if ( unlikely(ext_err) )
> +                break;

This, otoh, is an error. Which probably shouldn't go silently.

Considering the earlier remark, ext_end would then perhaps also be more
logical to update after the above if().

> +            if ( !isdigit(ext_end[-1]) )
> +                break;
> +
> +            while ( isdigit(*--ext_end) )
> +                ;
> +
> +            if ( tolower(ext_end[0]) != 'p' || !isdigit(ext_end[-1]) )

Leftover tolower()?

> +            {
> +                ++ext_end;
> +                break;
> +            }
> +
> +            while ( isdigit(*--ext_end) )
> +                ;
> +
> +            ++ext_end;
> +            break;
> +
> +        default:
> +            /*
> +             * Things are a little easier for single-letter extensions, as 
> they
> +             * are parsed forwards.
> +             *
> +             * After checking that our starting position is valid, we need to
> +             * ensure that, when isa was incremented at the start of the 
> loop,
> +             * that it arrived at the start of the next extension.
> +             *
> +             * If we are already on a non-digit, there is nothing to do. 
> Either
> +             * we have a multi-letter extension's _, or the start of an
> +             * extension.
> +             *
> +             * Otherwise we have found the current extension's major version
> +             * number. Parse past it, and a subsequent p/minor version number
> +             * if present. The `p` extension must not appear immediately 
> after
> +             * a number, so there is no fear of missing it.
> +             */
> +            if ( unlikely(!isalpha(*ext)) )
> +            {
> +                ext_err = true;
> +                break;
> +            }

Like above this also looks to be a situation that maybe better would be
left go entirely silently. I even wonder whether you can safely continue
the parsing in that case: How do you know whether what follows is indeed
the start of an extension name?

> +static void __init riscv_fill_hwcap_from_isa_string(void)
> +{
> +    const struct dt_device_node *cpus = dt_find_node_by_path("/cpus");
> +    const struct dt_device_node *cpu;
> +
> +    if ( !cpus )
> +    {
> +        printk("Missing /cpus node in the device tree?\n");
> +        return;
> +    }
> +
> +    dt_for_each_child_node(cpus, cpu)
> +    {
> +        DECLARE_BITMAP(this_isa, RISCV_ISA_EXT_MAX);
> +        const char *isa;
> +        unsigned long cpuid;
> +
> +        if ( !dt_device_type_is_equal(cpu, "cpu") )
> +            continue;
> +
> +        if ( dt_get_cpuid_from_node(cpu, &cpuid) < 0 )
> +            continue;
> +
> +        if ( dt_property_read_string(cpu, "riscv,isa", &isa) )
> +        {
> +            printk("Unable to find \"riscv,isa\" devicetree entry "
> +                   "for DT's cpu%ld node\n", cpuid);
> +            continue;
> +        }
> +
> +        for ( unsigned int i = 0; (isa[i] != '\0'); i++ )
> +            if ( !isdigit(isa[i]) && (isa[i] != '_') && !islower(isa[i]) )
> +                panic("According to DT binding riscv,isa must be 
> lowercase\n");
> +
> +        riscv_isa_parse_string(isa, this_isa);
> +
> +        /*
> +         * In the unpriv. spec is mentioned:
> +         *   A RISC-V ISA is defined as a base integer ISA, which must be
> +         *   present in any implementation, plus optional extensions to
> +         *   the base ISA.
> +         * What means that isa should contain, at least, I or E thereby
> +         * this_isa can't be empty too.
> +         *
> +         * Ensure that this_isa is not empty, so riscv_isa won't be empty
> +         * during initialization. This prevents ending up with extensions
> +         * not supported by one of the CPUs.
> +         */
> +        ASSERT(!bitmap_empty(this_isa, RISCV_ISA_EXT_MAX));

This is again an assertion on input we consume. Afaict it would actually
trigger not only on all kinds of invalid inputs, but on something valid
like "rv32e".

> +void __init riscv_fill_hwcap(void)
> +{
> +    unsigned int i;
> +    size_t req_extns_amount = ARRAY_SIZE(required_extensions);

Imo if you really want such a local "variable", it would better be const.


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