
> +
>   /// A language-agnostic specification.
>   #[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize)]
>   struct InFileDef {
>       /// List of structs described in this input specification.
>       structs: Option<Vec<StructDef>>,
> +    /// List of lang-agnostic enumerated descriptions.
> +    enums: Option<Vec<EnumDef>>,
>   }

Alike for struct/..., I think we can merge that with OutFileDef using 
the default attribute in serde :

That way, when there is no structs/... entry in the file, it is parsed 
as a empty vec![] instead of failing which allows us to remove this 
wrapper struct.



Teddy Astie | Vates XCP-ng Developer

XCP-ng & Xen Orchestra - Vates solutions

web: https://vates.tech

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