On 14/11/2024 12:22, Michal Orzel wrote:

On 14/11/2024 13:04, Julien Grall wrote:

Hi Michal,

On 14/11/2024 11:48, Michal Orzel wrote:

On 14/11/2024 11:31, Julien Grall wrote:
Looking at the code, I think /memreserve/ and /reserved-memory are not
mapped in Xen and everything in /reserved-memory is mapped to dom0.
Why do we forward /reserved-memory to dom0 fdt but /memreserve/ not?

I was wondering the same. The main issue I can think of with
/memreserve/ is some of the regions will likely be for Xen own usage. So
Can you give example of regions defined as reserved for Xen usage (other than 

The spin table to bring-up CPUs.

we would need to have a way to exclude them from dom0.

  >  From the discussion> we're having it seems like we should treat them
equally. Also, looking at Luca patch,
we seem to special case /memreserve/ and only allow for overlap /memresrve/ 
with boot modules
and not /reserved-memory/ with boot modules. If we are going to claim that all 
the boot modules
can be marked as reserved by the bootloader, then I think we should treat them 
equally providing
the same experience to dom0.

In my mind, /memreserved/ and /reserved-memory/ are different. The
former doesn't say what the region is for, but the latter will indicate it.
In the context of this patch, I don't agree. We're discussing overlap, and if a 
region A
from /memreserve/ overlaps fully with a module A, we know what is the purpose 
of it.
> Today it's initrd, but as you say we cannot rule out other modules as well.

To give a concrete example, the /reserved-region/ can be used to reserve space for the VGA buffer. It would be odd that someone would put the boot module in the middle of the VGA buffer... If Xen ends up to use the VGA buffer (not the case today), then it would be a problem. Xen would need to be reworked to move all boot modules outside of the memory because it can access the VGA (or any other reserved regions).

The problem is slightly different for /memreserve/ because we don't exactly know what the regions are for until we parse the rest of the DT. Yes technically, a user could put the initrd in the wrong place. So the problem is the same. But this is a relexation I am more willing to accept over /reserved-region/ right now.

So I am not 100% sure how the bootmodule could end up in
/reserved-memory/ because they are described as part of the multiboot
modules. Do you have a scenario?
I don't same as I don't have scenario for /memreserve/ overlapping with sth 
else than initrd.
All of these comes from my validation of u-boot, grub, barebox code. I have a 
feeling that due to
U-Boot trick that is not present in any other *known* bootloader, we are trying 
to over-engineer the problem :)
But as Stefano and you wrote, we should follow the spec and for me we should 
therefore treat them equally.

See above why I don't think we should treat them equally today. We might be able in the future if we can categorize all the regions in /memreserve/.


Last thing I wanted to ask (for my clarity) is that if bootloader loads initrd 
at region A and marks
it as reserved (either in /memreserve/ or /reserved-memory/), and later on Xen 
copies initrd from region
A to B, shouldn't the reserved memory region be updated to cover new region for 

If we mark the region has a reserved, then we are telling the OS it
can't use the region. But I am not sure why it would be needed as Xen
Well, in the context of initrd, kernel uses it even though it is reserved. This 
is because
of the second part of the spec where other bindings come into play.

doesn't care how the regions is going to be used by the domain. From a
domain side, do you see any reason why we would want to mark again the
region as reserved?
TBH I don't same as I still don't know why U-Boot does that trick. It comes 
from a very
old code and my initial understanding is that it is done purely for U-boot 

/memreserve/ (and now) /reserved-regions/ are an easy way to find the regions that should be excluded from the RAM. Without that, you will need to have special case (such as for initrd, and the various xen boot moudles). I suspect that Linux have a special case and hence why it hasn't been a problem that Xen doesn't reserve the region.

Also, AFAIU, the Image protocol doesn't seem require the region to be reserved. It just says:

If an initrd/initramfs is passed to the kernel at boot, it must reside
entirely within a 1 GB aligned physical memory window of up to 32 GB in
size that fully covers the kernel Image as well.

Any memory described to the kernel (even that below the start of the
image) which is not marked as reserved from the kernel (e.g., with a
memreserve region in the device tree) will be considered as available to
the kernel.

Regarding the idea to mark the initird as reserved. My main concern is you now double the amount of memory that will be unusuable (AFAIU neither Xen nor Linux will be able to use the memory for allocations). I feel this is quite a steep price. A potential solution would to be map the initrd region rather than copying. Not sure how much code it will result, so someone will need to evaluate whether it is worth it.


Julien Grall

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