Hi Ayan,

While I rebased the branch on top of your patches, I saw you’ve changed the 
number of regions
mapped at boot time, can I ask why? 

Compared to 

> +FUNC(enable_boot_cpu_mm)
> +
> +    /* Get the number of regions specified in MPUIR_EL2 */
> +    mrs   x5, MPUIR_EL2
> +
> +    /* x0: region sel */
> +    mov   x0, xzr
> +    /* Xen text section. */
> +    ldr   x1, =_stext
> +    ldr   x2, =_etext
> +    prepare_xen_region x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, attr_prbar=REGION_TEXT_PRBAR
> +
> +    /* Xen read-only data section. */
> +    ldr   x1, =_srodata
> +    ldr   x2, =_erodata
> +    prepare_xen_region x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, attr_prbar=REGION_RO_PRBAR
> +
> +    /* Xen read-only after init and data section. (RW data) */
> +    ldr   x1, =__ro_after_init_start
> +    ldr   x2, =__init_begin
> +    prepare_xen_region x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5

         ^— this, for example, will block Xen to call init_done(void) later, I 
understand this is earlyboot,
               but I guess we don’t want to make subsequent changes to this 
part when introducing the
               patches to support start_xen()

> +
> +    /* Xen code section. */
> +    ldr   x1, =__init_begin
> +    ldr   x2, =__init_data_begin
> +    prepare_xen_region x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, attr_prbar=REGION_TEXT_PRBAR
> +
> +    /* Xen data and BSS section. */
> +    ldr   x1, =__init_data_begin
> +    ldr   x2, =__bss_end
> +    prepare_xen_region x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5
> +
> +    ret
> +
> +END(enable_boot_cpu_mm)

I suggest to keep exactly the regions as are in Penny’s patch.


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