On 27/06/2018, 22:47, "Steven Haigh" <net...@crc.id.au> wrote:

    On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 7:19:58 PM AEST Jan Beulich wrote:
    > >>> On 27.06.18 at 06:05, <net...@crc.id.au> wrote:
    > > Right now, we're at a stage where we could probably justify a new 
    > > of 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, and 4.10 due to the depth of XSAs contained 
    > > that can't be patched on top of the release archive.
    > 4.7.6 and 4.8.4 are imminent anyway, and 4.9.3 is due in about a
    > month's time (I'll send a respective call for pointing out missing
    > backports once I've flushed out my own queue). There's not going to
    > be another release off the 4.6 branch, at least not one organized by
    > XenProject. Even us meaning to do so for 4.7 is only because of the
    > circumstances.
    > As mentioned before - personally I'm not fancying to do more frequent
    > stable releases.
    Surely we are able to automate the majority of the process?
    I could imagine that with a regular release schedule, it could be refined 
    enough to automatically package the current git branch based on just 
    committing a tag.
There was a discussion at the summit in this area, which would be a step in the 
right direction, which was proposed by Doug from Rackspace and Matt from ARM. I 
still need to deal with the meeting notes

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