On 10.09.2024 21:06, Federico Serafini wrote:
> Refactor the code to improve readability

I question this aspect. I'm not the maintainer of this code anymore, so
my view probably doesn't matter much here.

> and address violations of
> MISRA C:2012 Rule 13.6 ("The operand of the `sizeof' operator shall
> not contain any expression which has potential side effect").

Where's the potential side effect? Since you move ...

> --- a/xen/common/efi/runtime.c
> +++ b/xen/common/efi/runtime.c
> @@ -250,14 +250,20 @@ int efi_get_info(uint32_t idx, union xenpf_efi_info 
> *info)
>          info->cfg.addr = __pa(efi_ct);
>          info->cfg.nent = efi_num_ct;
>          break;
> +
>      case XEN_FW_EFI_VENDOR:
> +    {
> +        XEN_GUEST_HANDLE_PARAM(CHAR16) vendor_name =
> +            guest_handle_cast(info->vendor.name, CHAR16);

.. this out, it must be the one. I've looked at it, yet I can't spot

#define guest_handle_cast(hnd, type) ({         \
    type *_x = (hnd).p;                         \
    (XEN_GUEST_HANDLE_PARAM(type)) { _x };      \

As a rule of thumb, when things aren't obvious, please call out the
specific aspect / property in descriptions of such patches.


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