On 28.06.2024 08:30, Nicola Vetrini wrote:
> The label 'out_unmap' is only reachable after ASSERT_UNREACHABLE,
> so the code below is only executed upon erroneously reaching that
> program point and calling domain_crash, thus resulting in the
> for loop after 'out_unmap' to become unreachable in some configurations.
First: As you have come to be used to, briefly stating the rule itself
(rather than just its number, requiring people like me - who have not
memorized all the rule numbers - to go look up what rule this is) would
be nice.

This being about unreachable code, why are the domain_crash() not the
crucial points of "unreachability"? And even if they weren't there, why
wouldn't it be the goto or ...

> --- a/xen/arch/x86/mm/p2m-pod.c
> +++ b/xen/arch/x86/mm/p2m-pod.c
> @@ -1040,6 +1040,7 @@ out_unmap:
>       * Something went wrong, probably crashing the domain.  Unmap
>       * everything and return.
>       */
> +    /* SAF-8-safe Rule 2.1: defensive programming */
>      for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
>          if ( map[i] )
>              unmap_domain_page(map[i]);

... the label (just out of context) where the comment needs to go?


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