On 25.06.2024 02:14, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
> I do realize that some of the notifier pattern switches might want to
> handle all parameters but Bugseng or anyone else looking for simple
> improvements are not in the position to tell which ones they are. We
> need to wait for a maintainer or expert in the specific code to spot
> them. It is not a good idea to cause a delay in handling all the
> remaining 16.4 more interesting switches (which is also easy) to better
> handle the notifier pattern (which is hard).
> The notifier pattern can be looked at separately later by the relevant
> maintainer / interested community members by sending case-by-case
> improvements. They cannot be mechanically resolved. My understanding is
> that with this patch series committed we would be close to zero
> violations for 16.4.

In fact yielding a bogus result, suggesting the tree is in a better state
than it really is. Putting myself in an assessor's position, I might be
considering such close to lying at me. IOW the fact that some violations
cannot be mechanically resolved shouldn't lead to us mechanically papering
over them.


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