
On 20/06/2024 15:02, Federico Serafini wrote:
Update ECLAIR configuration to deviate MISRA C Rule 16.3
using different version of hypened fall-through and search for
the comment for 2 lines after the last statement.

Signed-off-by: Federico Serafini <federico.seraf...@bugseng.com>
  automation/eclair_analysis/ECLAIR/deviations.ecl | 2 +-
  docs/misra/deviations.rst                        | 4 ++++
  2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/automation/eclair_analysis/ECLAIR/deviations.ecl 
index b8f9155267..b99a6b8a92 100644
--- a/automation/eclair_analysis/ECLAIR/deviations.ecl
+++ b/automation/eclair_analysis/ECLAIR/deviations.ecl
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ safe."
-doc_begin="Switch clauses ending with an explicit comment indicating the fallthrough intention are safe."
--config=MC3R1.R16.3,reports+={safe, "any_area(end_loc(any_exp(text(^(?s).*/\\* 
[fF]all ?through.? \\*/.*$,0..1))))"}
+-config=MC3R1.R16.3,reports+={safe, "any_area(end_loc(any_exp(text(^(?s).*/\\* 
[fF]all[ -]?through.? \\*/.*$,0..2))))"}
-doc_begin="Switch statements having a controlling expression of enum type deliberately do not have a default case: gcc -Wall enables -Wswitch which warns (and breaks the build as we use -Werror) if one of the enum labels is missing from the switch."
diff --git a/docs/misra/deviations.rst b/docs/misra/deviations.rst
index 41cdfbe5f5..411e1fed3d 100644
--- a/docs/misra/deviations.rst
+++ b/docs/misra/deviations.rst
@@ -353,6 +353,10 @@ Deviations related to MISRA C:2012 Rules:
         However, the use of such comments in new code is deprecated:
         the pseudo-keyword "fallthrough" shall be used.
       - Tagged as `safe` for ECLAIR. The accepted comments are:
+         - /\* fall-through \*/
+         - /\* Fall-through. \*/
+         - /\* Fall-through \*/
+         - /\* fall-through. \*/

How many places use the 4 above? The reason I am asking is I am not particularly happy to add yet another set of variant.

I would rather prefer if we settle down with a single comment and therefore convert them to the pseudo-keyword.


Julien Grall

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