MISRA C Rule 5.5 states that "Identifiers shall be distinct from macro

Update ECLAIR configuration to deviate:
- macros expanding to their own name;
- clashes between macros and non-callable entities;
- clashes related to the selection of specific implementations of string
  handling functions.

Signed-off-by: Federico Serafini <federico.seraf...@bugseng.com>
 .../eclair_analysis/ECLAIR/deviations.ecl     | 16 ++++++++++++++
 docs/misra/deviations.rst                     | 21 +++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 37 insertions(+)

diff --git a/automation/eclair_analysis/ECLAIR/deviations.ecl 
index e2653f77eb..9ad0e1f90a 100644
--- a/automation/eclair_analysis/ECLAIR/deviations.ecl
+++ b/automation/eclair_analysis/ECLAIR/deviations.ecl
@@ -90,6 +90,22 @@ conform to the directive."
+-doc_begin="Macros expanding to their own identifier (e.g., \"#define x x\") 
are deliberate."
+-doc_begin="There is no clash between function like macros and not callable 
+-doc_begin="Clashes between function names and macros are deliberate for 
string handling functions since some architectures may want to use their own 
arch-specific implementation."
+-doc_begin="In libelf, clashes between macros and function names are 
deliberate and needed to prevent the use of undecorated versions of memcpy, 
memset and memmove."
 -doc_begin="The type \"ret_t\" is deliberately defined multiple times,
 depending on the guest."
diff --git a/docs/misra/deviations.rst b/docs/misra/deviations.rst
index 36959aa44a..446c758c11 100644
--- a/docs/misra/deviations.rst
+++ b/docs/misra/deviations.rst
@@ -98,6 +98,27 @@ Deviations related to MISRA C:2012 Rules:
          - __emulate_2op and __emulate_2op_nobyte
          - read_debugreg and write_debugreg
+   * - R5.5
+     - Macros expanding to their own name are allowed.
+     - Tagged as `deliberate` for ECLAIR.
+   * - R5.5
+     - Clashes between names of function-like macros and identifiers of
+       non-callable entities are allowed.
+     - Tagged as `deliberate` for ECLAIR.
+   * - R5.5
+     - Clashes between function names and macros are deliberate for string
+       handling functions since some architectures may want to use their own
+       arch-specific implementation.
+     - Tagged as `deliberate` for ECLAIR.
+   * - R5.5
+     - In libelf, clashes between macros and function names are deliberate and
+       needed to prevent the use of undecorated versions of memcpy, memset and
+       memmove.
+     - Tagged as `deliberate` for ECLAIR.
    * - R5.6
      - The type ret_t is deliberately defined multiple times depending on the
        type of guest to service.

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