On 07.06.2024 10:11, Jiqian Chen wrote:
> Some type of domain don't have PIRQ, like PVH, it do not do
> PHYSDEVOP_map_pirq for each gsi. When passthrough a device
> to guest on PVH dom0, callstack
> pci_add_dm_done->XEN_DOMCTL_irq_permission will failed at
> domain_pirq_to_irq, because PVH has no mapping of gsi, pirq
> and irq on Xen side.

All of this is, to me at least, in pretty sharp contradiction to what
patch 2 says and does. IOW: Do we want the concept of pIRQ in PVH, or
do we want to keep that to PV?

> What's more, current hypercall XEN_DOMCTL_irq_permission require
> passing in pirq and grant the access of irq, it is not suitable
> for dom0 that has no PIRQ flag, because passthrough a device
> needs gsi and grant the corresponding irq to guest. So, add a
> new hypercall to grant gsi permission when dom0 is not PV or dom0
> has not PIRQ flag.
> Signed-off-by: Huang Rui <ray.hu...@amd.com>
> Signed-off-by: Jiqian Chen <jiqian.c...@amd.com>

A problem throughout the series as it seems: Who's the author of these
patches? There's no From: saying it's not you, but your S-o-b also
isn't first.

> --- a/tools/libs/light/libxl_pci.c
> +++ b/tools/libs/light/libxl_pci.c
> @@ -1412,6 +1412,37 @@ static bool pci_supp_legacy_irq(void)
>  #define PCI_SBDF(seg, bus, devfn) \
>              ((((uint32_t)(seg)) << 16) | (PCI_DEVID(bus, devfn)))
> +static int pci_device_set_gsi(libxl_ctx *ctx,
> +                              libxl_domid domid,
> +                              libxl_device_pci *pci,
> +                              bool map,
> +                              int *gsi_back)
> +{
> +    int r, gsi, pirq;
> +    uint32_t sbdf;
> +
> +    sbdf = PCI_SBDF(pci->domain, pci->bus, (PCI_DEVFN(pci->dev, pci->func)));
> +    r = xc_physdev_gsi_from_dev(ctx->xch, sbdf);
> +    *gsi_back = r;
> +    if (r < 0)
> +        return r;
> +
> +    gsi = r;
> +    pirq = r;

r is a GSI as per above; why would you store such in a variable named pirq?
And how can ...

> +    if (map)
> +        r = xc_physdev_map_pirq(ctx->xch, domid, gsi, &pirq);
> +    else
> +        r = xc_physdev_unmap_pirq(ctx->xch, domid, pirq);

... that value be the correct one to pass into here? In fact, the pIRQ number
you obtain above in the "map" case isn't handed to the caller, i.e. it is
effectively lost. Yet that's what would need passing into such an unmap call.

> +    if (r)
> +        return r;
> +
> +    r = xc_domain_gsi_permission(ctx->xch, domid, gsi, map);

Looking at the hypervisor side, this will fail for PV Dom0. In which case imo
you better would avoid making the call in the first place.

> +    if (r && errno == EOPNOTSUPP)

Before here you don't really need the pIRQ number; if all it really is needed
for is ...

> +        r = xc_domain_irq_permission(ctx->xch, domid, pirq, map);

... this, then it probably also should only be obtained when it's needed. Yet
overall the intentions here aren't quite clear to me.

> @@ -1485,6 +1516,19 @@ static void pci_add_dm_done(libxl__egc *egc,
>      fclose(f);
>      if (!pci_supp_legacy_irq())
>          goto out_no_irq;
> +
> +    r = pci_device_set_gsi(ctx, domid, pci, 1, &gsi);
> +    if (gsi >= 0) {
> +        if (r < 0) {

This unusual way of error checking likely wants a comment.

> +            rc = ERROR_FAIL;
> +            LOGED(ERROR, domainid,
> +                  "pci_device_set_gsi gsi=%d (error=%d)", gsi, errno);
> +            goto out;
> +        } else {
> +            goto process_permissive;
> +        }

Btw, no need for "else" when the earlier if ends in "goto" or alike.

> @@ -1493,13 +1537,6 @@ static void pci_add_dm_done(libxl__egc *egc,
>          goto out_no_irq;
>      }
>      if ((fscanf(f, "%u", &irq) == 1) && irq) {
> -        sbdf = PCI_SBDF(pci->domain, pci->bus,
> -                        (PCI_DEVFN(pci->dev, pci->func)));
> -        r = xc_physdev_gsi_from_dev(ctx->xch, sbdf);
> -        /* if fail, keep using irq; if success, r is gsi, use gsi */
> -        if (r != -1) {
> -            irq = r;
> -        }

If I'm not mistaken, this and ...

> @@ -2255,13 +2302,6 @@ skip_bar:
>      }
>      if ((fscanf(f, "%u", &irq) == 1) && irq) {
> -        sbdf = PCI_SBDF(pci->domain, pci->bus,
> -                        (PCI_DEVFN(pci->dev, pci->func)));
> -        r = xc_physdev_gsi_from_dev(ctx->xch, sbdf);
> -        /* if fail, keep using irq; if success, r is gsi, use gsi */
> -        if (r != -1) {
> -            irq = r;
> -        }

... this is code added by the immediately preceding patch. It's pretty odd
for that to be deleted here again right away. Can the interaction of the
two patches perhaps be re-arranged to avoid this anomaly?

> @@ -237,6 +238,43 @@ long arch_do_domctl(
>          break;
>      }
> +    case XEN_DOMCTL_gsi_permission:
> +    {
> +        unsigned int gsi = domctl->u.gsi_permission.gsi;
> +        int irq = gsi_2_irq(gsi);

I'm not sure it is a good idea to issue this call ahead of the basic error
checks below.

> +        bool allow = domctl->u.gsi_permission.allow_access;

This allows any non-zero values to mean "true". I think you want to bail
on values larger than 1, much like you also want to check that the padding
fields are all zero.

> +        /*
> +         * If current domain is PV or it has PIRQ flag, it has a mapping
> +         * of gsi, pirq and irq, so it should use XEN_DOMCTL_irq_permission
> +         * to grant irq permission.
> +         */
> +        if ( is_pv_domain(current->domain) || has_pirq(current->domain) )

Please use currd here (and also again below).

> +        {
> +            ret = -EOPNOTSUPP;
> +            break;
> +        }
> +
> +        if ( gsi >= nr_irqs_gsi || irq < 0 )
> +        {
> +            ret = -EINVAL;
> +            break;
> +        }
> +
> +        if ( !irq_access_permitted(current->domain, irq) ||
> +             xsm_irq_permission(XSM_HOOK, d, irq, allow) )

Daniel, is it okay to issue the XSM check using the translated value, not
the one that was originally passed into the hypercall?

> --- a/xen/arch/x86/io_apic.c
> +++ b/xen/arch/x86/io_apic.c
> @@ -955,6 +955,27 @@ static int pin_2_irq(int idx, int apic, int pin)
>      return irq;
>  }
> +int gsi_2_irq(int gsi)
> +{
> +    int entry, ioapic, pin;
> +
> +    ioapic = mp_find_ioapic(gsi);
> +    if ( ioapic < 0 )
> +        return -1;

Can this be a proper errno value (likely -EINVAL), please?

> +    pin = gsi - io_apic_gsi_base(ioapic);

Hmm, instead of the below: Once you have an (ioapic,pin) tuple, can't
you simply call apic_pin_2_gsi_irq()?

> +    entry = find_irq_entry(ioapic, pin, mp_INT);
> +    /*
> +     * If there is no override mapping for irq and gsi in mp_irqs,
> +     * then the default identity mapping applies.
> +     */
> +    if ( entry < 0 )
> +        return gsi;
> +
> +    return pin_2_irq(entry, ioapic, pin);

Under certain conditions this may return 0. Yet you surely don't want
to pass IRQ0 back as a result; you want to hand an error back instead.

> --- a/xen/include/public/domctl.h
> +++ b/xen/include/public/domctl.h
> @@ -465,6 +465,14 @@ struct xen_domctl_irq_permission {
>  };
> +/* XEN_DOMCTL_gsi_permission */
> +struct xen_domctl_gsi_permission {
> +    uint32_t gsi;
> +    uint8_t allow_access;    /* flag to specify enable/disable of x86 gsi 
> access */
> +    uint8_t pad[3];
> +};
> +
> +

Nit: No (new) double blank lines please. In fact (didn't I say this before
already?) you could insert between the two above, such that the existing issue
also disappears.


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