On 07/02/2024 10:42 am, Jürgen Groß wrote:
> On 07.02.24 11:38, Samuel Thibault wrote:
>> Juergen Gross, le mer. 07 févr. 2024 11:31:38 +0100, a ecrit:
>>> The .bss segment should be zeroed at very early boot.
>> Is that not done by the elf loader of Xen?
> It might be done by Xen tools today, but I'm quite sure it is not part
> of the ABI. The hypervisor doesn't clear .bss when loading a domain (e.g.
> dom0).

It is a requirement of loading an ELF file.

If we're not doing it for dom0, that's a bug.

> I stumbled over it while implementing kexec in Mini-OS. For that I need
> it for sure.

A kexec kernel does need to do this, unless the kexec-loader is going to
guarantee to do it, and I don't believe it does.


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