On 26/10/23 11:45, Jan Beulich wrote:

On 26.10.2023 10:34, Xenia Ragiadakou wrote:
On 26/10/23 10:35, Jan Beulich wrote:
On 26.10.2023 08:45, Xenia Ragiadakou wrote:
Given that start < kernel_end and end > kernel_start, the logic that
determines the best placement for dom0 initrd and metadata, does not
take into account the two cases below:
(1) start > kernel_start && end > kernel_end
(2) start < kernel_start && end < kernel_end

In case (1), the evaluation will result in end = kernel_start
i.e. end < start, and will load initrd in the middle of the kernel.
In case (2), the evaluation will result in start = kernel_end
i.e. end < start, and will load initrd at kernel_end, that is out
of the memory region under evaluation.
I agree there is a problem if the kernel range overlaps but is not fully
contained in the E820 range under inspection. I'd like to ask though
under what conditions that can happen, as it seems suspicious for the
kernel range to span multiple E820 ranges.
We tried to boot Zephyr as pvh dom0 and its load address was under 1MB.

I know ... that maybe shouldn't have been permitted at all, but
nevertheless we hit this issue.
How can they expect to have a contiguous, large enough range there?
Me too I wonder. I don't know, maybe somebody else could shed
some light on this.
This patch rephrases the if condition to include the above two cases
without affecting the behaviour for the case where
start < kernel_start && end > kernel_end

Fixes: 73b47eea2104 ('x86/dom0: improve PVH initrd and metadata placement')
Signed-off-by: Xenia Ragiadakou<xenia.ragiada...@amd.com>
   xen/arch/x86/hvm/dom0_build.c | 2 +-
   1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/xen/arch/x86/hvm/dom0_build.c b/xen/arch/x86/hvm/dom0_build.c
index c7d47d0d4c..5fc2c12f3a 100644
--- a/xen/arch/x86/hvm/dom0_build.c
+++ b/xen/arch/x86/hvm/dom0_build.c
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ static paddr_t __init find_memory(
           if ( end <= kernel_start || start >= kernel_end )
               ; /* No overlap, nothing to do. */
           /* Deal with the kernel already being loaded in the region. */
-        else if ( kernel_start - start > end - kernel_end )
+        else if ( kernel_start + kernel_end > start + end )
What meaning has the sum of the start and end of either range? I can't
figure how comparing those two values will be generally correct / useful.
If the partial-overlap case needs handling in the first place, I think
new conditionals need adding (and the existing one needs constraining to
"kernel range fully contained") to use
- as before, the larger of the non-overlapping ranges at start and end
    if the kernel range is fully contained,
- the tail of the range when the overlap is at the start,
- the head of the range when the overlap is at the end.
Yes it is not quite straight forward to understand and is based on the
assumption that end > kernel_start and start < kernel_end, due to
the first condition failing.

Both cases:
(start < kernel_start && end < kernel_end) and
(kernel_start - start > end - kernel_end)
fall into the condition ( kernel_start + kernel_end > start + end )

And both the cases:
(start > kernel_start && end > kernel_end) and
(end - kernel_end > kernel_start - start)
fall into the condition ( kernel_start + kernel_end < start + end )

... unless of course I miss a case
Well, mathematically (i.e. ignoring the potential for overflow) the
original expression and your replacement are identical anyway. But
overflow needs to be taken into consideration, and hence there is a
(theoretical only at this point) risk with the replacement expression
as well. As a result I still think that ...

That said, in the "kernel range fully contained" case it may want
considering to use the tail range if it is large enough, rather than
the larger of the two ranges. In fact when switching to that model, we
ought to be able to get away with one less conditional, as then the
"kernel range fully contained" case doesn't need treating specially.
... this alternative approach may want considering (provided we need
to make a change in the first place, which I continue to be
unconvinced of).
Hmm, I see your point regarding the overflow.
Given that start < kernel_end and end > kernel_start, this could
be resolved by changing the above condition into:
if ( kernel_end - start > end - kernel_start )

Would that work for you?


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