With GNU make 4.4, the number of execution of the command present in these $(shell ) increased greatly. This is probably because as of make 4.4, exported variable are also added to the environment of $(shell ) construct.
Also, `make -d` shows a lot of these: Makefile:15: not recursively expanding XEN_BUILD_DATE to export to shell function Makefile:16: not recursively expanding XEN_BUILD_TIME to export to shell function Makefile:17: not recursively expanding XEN_BUILD_HOST to export to shell function Makefile:14: not recursively expanding XEN_DOMAIN to export to shell function So, to avoid having these command been run more than necessery, we will use a construct to evaluate on first use. Reported-by: Jason Andryuk <jandr...@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Anthony PERARD <anthony.per...@citrix.com> --- xen/Makefile | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/xen/Makefile b/xen/Makefile index 9631e45cfb9b..b58c2a7f4539 100644 --- a/xen/Makefile +++ b/xen/Makefile @@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ export XEN_FULLVERSION = $(XEN_VERSION).$(XEN_SUBVERSION)$(XEN_EXTRAVERSION) -include xen-version export XEN_WHOAMI ?= $(USER) -export XEN_DOMAIN ?= $(shell ([ -x /bin/dnsdomainname ] && /bin/dnsdomainname) || ([ -x /bin/domainname ] && /bin/domainname || echo [unknown])) -export XEN_BUILD_DATE ?= $(shell LC_ALL=C date) -export XEN_BUILD_TIME ?= $(shell LC_ALL=C date +%T) -export XEN_BUILD_HOST ?= $(shell hostname) +export XEN_DOMAIN ?= $(eval XEN_DOMAIN := $(shell ([ -x /bin/dnsdomainname ] && /bin/dnsdomainname) || ([ -x /bin/domainname ] && /bin/domainname || echo [unknown])))$(XEN_DOMAIN) +export XEN_BUILD_DATE ?= $(eval XEN_BUILD_DATE := $(shell LC_ALL=C date))$(XEN_BUILD_DATE) +export XEN_BUILD_TIME ?= $(eval XEN_BUILD_TIME := $(shell LC_ALL=C date +%T))$(XEN_BUILD_TIME) +export XEN_BUILD_HOST ?= $(eval XEN_BUILD_HOST := $(shell hostname))$(XEN_BUILD_HOST) # Best effort attempt to find a python interpreter, defaulting to Python 3 if # available. Fall back to just `python` if `which` is nowhere to be found. -- Anthony PERARD