On Mon Jun 12, 2023 at 10:19 AM CDT, George Dunlap wrote:
> Shawn,
> Again sorry that you've sort of bumped a hornet's nest here.
> Just to clarify, the situation as I understand it is:

Hi George,

No problem, and thank you for the detailed explanation.

> HOWEVER, as Andrew says, there is no official policy at this point; all the
> document say is that GPLv2-only is the default unless explicitly stated
> otherwise.
> Furthermore, the concerns raised by ARM's legal team were nearly a decade
> ago; it's not clear to me whether they still care that much.
> All that to say: If you don't mind and feel that you can do so legally,
> then consider switching to GPLv2-only; but if you don't want to and/or feel
> that you can't do so legally, feel free to leave it as-is.

I'll definitely keep this in mind when creating new files that don't need to
include GPLv2+ code.

>  -George


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