On 19.05.2023 11:30, Luca Fancellu wrote: > Currenly there is a latent bug that is not triggered because > the function cppcheck_merge_txt_fragments is called with the > parameter strip_paths having a list of only one element. > > The bug is that the split function should not be in the > loop for strip_paths, but one level before, fix it. > > Fixes: 02b26c02c7c4 ("xen/scripts: add cppcheck tool to the xen-analysis.py > script") > Signed-off-by: Luca Fancellu <luca.fance...@arm.com>
Just wanted to mention it: I've committed the patch as is, but in the future could you please try to find slightly more specific a title for such a change? The way it is now, someone going over just the titles in the log will have no clue at all what kind of bug was addressed here. Jan