On 03.02.2023 20:55, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
> On Fri, 3 Feb 2023, Luca Fancellu wrote:
>> And then, if the file is not subject to backport and now we “own” the file, 
>> there is no more the need to list it
>> in the external file, a commit search can reveal when it was converted to 
>> Xen codestyle and removed from
>> the external file list so we don’t lose the history.
> Yes, I agree. If a file is coverted to Xen coding style and follows
> MISRA rules, then there is no need to list the file in
> docs/misra/external-files.json.
>> So we would end up excluding just all the file listed in external-file.json 
>> by the analysis.
> Right, I think so too

Personally I think this is too focused on Misra. There are other uses of
such data, like automatically identifying changes to the origin file(s)
which we ought to be pulling in (recall that we've been doing a pretty
bad job in this regard).


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