On 23/12/2022 11:16 am, Oleksii Kurochko wrote:
> diff --git a/automation/scripts/build b/automation/scripts/build
> index a593419063..026f480e76 100755
> --- a/automation/scripts/build
> +++ b/automation/scripts/build
> @@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
>  test -f /etc/os-release && cat "$_"
> -$CC --version
> +${CROSS_COMPILE}${CC} --version
>  # Express the compiler version as an integer.  e.g. GCC 4.9.2 => 0x040902
>  cc-ver()
>  {
> -    $CC -dumpversion | awk -F. '{ printf "0x%02x%02x%02x", $1, $2, $3 }'
> +    ${CROSS_COMPILE}${CC} -dumpversion | awk -F. '{ printf "0x%02x%02x%02x", 
> $1, $2, $3 }'
>  }
>  # random config or default config
> @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ if ! type python3 || python3 -c "import sys; res = 
> sys.version_info < (3, 5); ex
>  fi
>  # SeaBIOS requires GCC 4.6 or later
> -if [[ "${CC}" == "gcc" && `cc-ver` -lt 0x040600 ]]; then
> +if [[ "${CROSS_COMPILE}${CC}" == "gcc" && `cc-ver` -lt 0x040600 ]]; then

This change won't work, because it's no longer a plain "gcc".

Also, prepreding CROSS_COMPILE isn't compatible with LLVM toolchains,
but that's not something you've made any worse with your change (just
more obvious).

We probably want a stanza near the top which sets
CC="${CROSS_COMPILE}${CC}" which can be adjusted to support LLVM in due
course, and we'll need to detect GCC using --version | grep as its done

But the other logic wants reworking too so we don't play around with
bits of the tools build when we're doing a hypervisor-only build anyway...


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