Hi Carlo,

On 26/08/2022 13:51, Carlo Nonato wrote:
This commit adds the cache coloring support initialization, Kconfig options,
command line parameters and the initial documentation.
The initialization consists of an auto probing of the cache layout
necessary to retrieve the LLC way size which is used to compute the
number of available colors. The Dom0 colors are then initialized with default
colors (all available ones) if not provided from the command line, and
they are checked for bad configuration.

It also adds a debug-key to dump general cache coloring info.
This includes LLC way size, total available colors and the mask used to
extract colors from physical addresses.

Signed-off-by: Carlo Nonato <carlo.non...@minervasys.tech>
Signed-off-by: Marco Solieri <marco.soli...@minervasys.tech>
  docs/misc/arm/cache-coloring.rst     | 112 ++++++++++++++
  docs/misc/xen-command-line.pandoc    |  22 +++
  xen/arch/arm/Kconfig                 |  16 ++
  xen/arch/arm/Makefile                |   1 +
  xen/arch/arm/coloring.c              | 222 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  xen/arch/arm/include/asm/coloring.h  |  31 ++++
  xen/arch/arm/include/asm/processor.h |  16 ++
  xen/arch/arm/setup.c                 |   8 +
  8 files changed, 428 insertions(+)
  create mode 100644 docs/misc/arm/cache-coloring.rst
  create mode 100644 xen/arch/arm/coloring.c
  create mode 100644 xen/arch/arm/include/asm/coloring.h

diff --git a/docs/misc/arm/cache-coloring.rst b/docs/misc/arm/cache-coloring.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7adcb0f1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/misc/arm/cache-coloring.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+Xen cache coloring user guide
+The cache coloring support in Xen allows to reserve Last Level Cache (LLC)
+partition for Dom0, DomUs and Xen itself. Currently only ARM64 is supported.
+In order to enable and use it, few steps are needed.
+- Enable cache coloring in Xen configuration file.
+- If needed, change the maximum number of colors in Xen configuration file
+  (refer to menuconfig help for value meaning and when it should be changed).
+- Assign colors to Dom0 using the `Color selection format`_ (see
+  `Coloring parameters`_ for more documentation pointers).
+Cache hierarchy of a modern multi-core CPU typically has first levels dedicated
+to each core (hence using multiple cache units), while the last level is shared
+among all of them. Such configuration implies that memory operations on one
+core (e.g. running a DomU) are able to generate interference on another core
+(e.g .hosting another DomU). Cache coloring allows eliminating this
+mutual interference, and thus guaranteeing higher and more predictable
+performances for memory accesses.
+The key concept underlying cache coloring is a fragmentation of the memory
+space into a set of sub-spaces called colors that are mapped to disjoint cache
+partitions. Technically, the whole memory space is first divided into a number
+of subsequent regions. Then each region is in turn divided into a number of
+subsequent sub-colors. The generic i-th color is then obtained by all the
+i-th sub-colors in each region.
+.. raw:: html
+    <pre>
+                            Region j            Region j+1
+                .....................   ............
+                .                     . .
+                .                       .
+            _ _ _______________ _ _____________________ _ _
+                |     |     |     |     |     |     |
+                | c_0 | c_1 |     | c_n | c_0 | c_1 |
+           _ _ _|_____|_____|_ _ _|_____|_____|_____|_ _ _
+                    :                       :
+                    :                       :...         ... .
+                    :                            color 0
+                    :...........................         ... .
+                                                :
+          . . ..................................:
+    </pre>
+There are two pragmatic lesson to be learnt.
+1. If one wants to avoid cache interference between two domains, different
+   colors needs to be used for their memory.
+2. Color assignment must privilege contiguity in the partitioning. E.g.,
+   assigning colors (0,1) to domain I  and (2,3) to domain  J is better than
+   assigning colors (0,2) to I and (1,3) to J.
+How to compute the number of colors
+To compute the number of available colors for a specific platform, the size of
+a LLC way and the page size used by Xen must be known. The first parameter can
+be found in the processor manual or can be also computed dividing the total
+cache size by the number of its ways. The second parameter is the minimum 
+of memory that can be mapped by the hypervisor, thus dividing the way size by
+the page size, the number of total cache partitions is found. So for example,
+an Arm Cortex-A53 with a 16-ways associative 1 MiB LLC, can isolate up to 16
+colors when pages are 4 KiB in size.
+Cache layout is probed automatically by Xen itself, but a possibility to
+manually set the way size it's left to the user to overcome failing situations
+or for debugging/testing purposes. See `Coloring parameters`_ section for more
+information on that.
+Colors selection format
+Regardless of the memory pool that has to be colored (Xen, Dom0/DomUs),
+the color selection can be expressed using the same syntax. In particular a
+comma-separated list of colors or ranges of colors is used.
+Ranges are hyphen-separated intervals (such as `0-4`) and are inclusive on both
+Note that:
+ - no spaces are allowed between values.
+ - no overlapping ranges or duplicated colors are allowed.
+ - values must be written in ascending order.
+|**Configuration**    |**Actual selection**               |
+|  1-2,5-8            | [1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8]                |
+|  4-8,10,11,12       | [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12]       |
+|  0                  | [0]                               |
+Coloring parameters
+LLC way size (as previously discussed) and Dom0 colors can be set using the
+appropriate command line parameters. See the relevant documentation in
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/misc/xen-command-line.pandoc 
index 9a79385a37..910ebeb2eb 100644
--- a/docs/misc/xen-command-line.pandoc
+++ b/docs/misc/xen-command-line.pandoc
@@ -889,6 +889,14 @@ Controls for the dom0 IOMMU setup.
Incorrect use of this option may result in a malfunctioning system. +### dom0-colors (arm64)
+> `= List of [ <integer> | <integer>-<integer> ]`
+> Default: `All available colors`
+Specify dom0 color configuration. If the parameter is not set, all available
+colors are chosen and the user is warned on Xen's serial console.
  ### dom0_ioports_disable (x86)
  > `= List of <hex>-<hex>`
@@ -1631,6 +1639,20 @@ This option is intended for debugging purposes only. Enable MSR_DEBUGCTL.LBR
  in hypervisor context to be able to dump the Last Interrupt/Exception To/From
  record with other registers.
+### llc-way-size (arm64)
+> `= <size>`
+> Default: `Obtained from the hardware`
+Specify the way size of the Last Level Cache. This parameter is only useful 
+cache coloring support enabled. It is an optional, expert-only parameter and it
+is used to calculate the number of available colors on the platform. It can be
+obtained by dividing the total LLC size by the number of its associative ways.
+By default, the value is automatically computed by probing the hardware, but in
+case of specific needs, it can be manually set. Those include failing probing
+and debugging/testing purposes so that it's possibile to emulate platforms with
+different number of supported colors.
  ### loglvl
  > `= <level>[/<rate-limited level>]` where level is `none | error | warning | 
info | debug | all`
diff --git a/xen/arch/arm/Kconfig b/xen/arch/arm/Kconfig
index 33e004d702..8acff9682c 100644
--- a/xen/arch/arm/Kconfig
+++ b/xen/arch/arm/Kconfig
@@ -131,6 +131,22 @@ config ARM64_BTI
          Branch Target Identification support.
          This feature is not supported in Xen.
+       bool "Last Level Cache (LLC) coloring" if EXPERT
+       default n
+       depends on ARM_64
+       int "Maximum number of cache colors"
+       default 128
+       range 0 65536
+       depends on CACHE_COLORING
+       help
+         This config value is an upper bound for the actual number of cache 
+         supported by the architecture. Xen preallocates this amount of cache
+         colors at boot. Note that if, at any time, a color configuration with 
+         colors than the maximum will be employed an error will be produced.
  config TEE
        bool "Enable TEE mediators support (UNSUPPORTED)" if UNSUPPORTED
        default n
diff --git a/xen/arch/arm/Makefile b/xen/arch/arm/Makefile
index 4d076b278b..12940ba761 100644
--- a/xen/arch/arm/Makefile
+++ b/xen/arch/arm/Makefile
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_SBSA_VUART_CONSOLE) += vpl011.o
  obj-y += vsmc.o
  obj-y += vpsci.o
  obj-y += vuart.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_CACHE_COLORING) += coloring.o

The Makefile should be ordered alphabetically based on the filename. So please move this to correct position.

extra-y += xen.lds diff --git a/xen/arch/arm/coloring.c b/xen/arch/arm/coloring.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c010ebc01b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xen/arch/arm/coloring.c
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+ * xen/arch/arm/coloring.c
+ *
+ * Coloring support for ARM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Xilinx Inc.
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ *    Luca Miccio <lucmic...@gmail.com>
+ *    Carlo Nonato <carlo.non...@minervasys.tech>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include <xen/errno.h>
+#include <xen/keyhandler.h>
+#include <xen/param.h>
+#include <xen/types.h>
+#include <asm/coloring.h>
+#include <asm/processor.h>
+#include <asm/sysregs.h>
+/* Size of a LLC way */
+static unsigned int llc_way_size;
+/* Number of colors available in the LLC */
+static unsigned int max_colors;
+/* Mask to retrieve coloring relevant bits */
+static uint64_t addr_col_mask;

IIUC, this is meant to be applied on a host physical address. If so, please use 'paddr_t' rather than uint64_t. Same below.

+#define addr_to_color(addr) (((addr) & addr_col_mask) >> PAGE_SHIFT)
+#define addr_set_color(addr, color) (((addr) & ~addr_col_mask) \
+                                     | ((color) << PAGE_SHIFT))

I don't see any use of addr_to_color() and addr_set_color() below. So it is not clear to me what is the type of 'color'. This may need to be casted to (paddr_t).

But as the helpers are quite small, it would be better to introduce the macros where they are used.

+static unsigned int dom0_colors[CONFIG_MAX_CACHE_COLORS];
+static unsigned int dom0_num_colors;
+ * Parse the coloring configuration given in the buf string, following the
+ * syntax below.
+ *
+ * RANGE               ::= COLOR-COLOR
+ *
+ * Example: "0,2-6,15-16" represents the set of colors: 0,2,3,4,5,6,15,16.
+ */
+static int parse_color_config(const char *buf, unsigned int *colors,
+                              unsigned int *num_colors)
+    const char *s = buf;
+    if ( !colors || !num_colors )
+        return -EINVAL;
+    while ( *s != '\0' )
+    {
+        if ( *s != ',' )
+        {
+            unsigned int color, start, end;
+            start = simple_strtoul(s, &s, 0);
+            if ( *s == '-' )    /* Range */
+            {
+                s++;
+                end = simple_strtoul(s, &s, 0);
+            }
+            else                /* Single value */
+                end = start;
+            if ( start > end ||
+                 *num_colors + end - start >= CONFIG_MAX_CACHE_COLORS )

In theory, *num_colors + end - start could overflow. I would also check that given you are sanity checking the values.

Lastly, may I ask to surround *num_colors + end - start with ()? This would make easier to read.

+                return -EINVAL;
+            for ( color = start; color <= end; color++ )
+                colors[(*num_colors)++] = color;
+        }
+        else
+            s++;
+    }
+    return *s ? -EINVAL : 0;
+size_param("llc-way-size", llc_way_size);
+static int __init parse_dom0_colors(const char *s)
+    return parse_color_config(s, dom0_colors, &dom0_num_colors);
+custom_param("dom0-colors", parse_dom0_colors);
+/* Return the LLC way size by probing the hardware */
+static unsigned int get_llc_way_size(void)
+    register_t ccsidr_el1;
+    register_t clidr_el1 = READ_SYSREG(CLIDR_EL1);
+    register_t csselr_el1 = READ_SYSREG(CSSELR_EL1);
+    register_t id_aa64mmfr2_el1 = READ_SYSREG(ID_AA64MMFR2_EL1);
+    uint32_t ccsidr_numsets_shift = CCSIDR_NUMSETS_SHIFT;
+    uint32_t ccsidr_numsets_mask = CCSIDR_NUMSETS_MASK;
+    unsigned int n, line_size, num_sets;
+    for ( n = CLIDR_CTYPEn_LEVELS;
+          n != 0 && !((clidr_el1 >> CLIDR_CTYPEn_SHIFT(n)) & 
+          n-- );
+    if ( n == 0 )
+        return 0;
+                 CSSELR_EL1);
+    isb();
+    ccsidr_el1 = READ_SYSREG(CCSIDR_EL1);
+    /* Arm ARM: (Log2(Number of bytes in cache line)) - 4 */
+    line_size = 1 << ((ccsidr_el1 & CCSIDR_LINESIZE_MASK) + 4);
+    /* If FEAT_CCIDX is enabled, CCSIDR_EL1 has a different bit layout */
+    if ( (id_aa64mmfr2_el1 >> ID_AA64MMFR2_CCIDX_SHIFT) & 0x7 )
+    {
+        ccsidr_numsets_shift = CCSIDR_NUMSETS_SHIFT_FEAT_CCIDX;
+        ccsidr_numsets_mask = CCSIDR_NUMSETS_MASK_FEAT_CCIDX;
+    }
+    /* Arm ARM: (Number of sets in cache) - 1 */
+    num_sets = ((ccsidr_el1 >> ccsidr_numsets_shift) & ccsidr_numsets_mask) + 
+    printk(XENLOG_INFO "LLC found: L%u (line size: %u bytes, sets num: %u)\n",
+           n, line_size, num_sets);
+    /* Restore value in CSSELR_EL1 */
+    WRITE_SYSREG(csselr_el1, CSSELR_EL1);
+    isb();
+    return line_size * num_sets;
+static bool check_colors(unsigned int *colors, unsigned int num_colors)
+    int i;

i should not be signed. So please use "unsigned int".

+    if ( num_colors > max_colors )
+        return false;
+    for ( i = 0; i < num_colors; i++ )
+        if ( colors[i] >= max_colors )
+            return false;
+    return true;
+static unsigned int set_default_domain_colors(unsigned int *colors)
+    unsigned int i;
+    if ( !colors )
+        return 0;
I find a bit odd that we return 0 if 'colors' is NULL. In what situation do you expect 'colors' to be NULL? Is this a programming error?

+ > +    for ( i = 0; i < max_colors; i++ )
+        colors[i] = i;

Coding style: Newline please.

+    return max_colors;
+static void dump_coloring_info(unsigned char key)
+    printk("'%c' pressed -> dumping coloring general info\n", key);
+    printk("LLC way size: %u KiB\n", llc_way_size >> 10);
+    printk("Number of LLC colors supported: %u\n", max_colors);
+    printk("Address color mask: 0x%lx\n", addr_col_mask);
+bool __init coloring_init(void)
+    if ( !llc_way_size && !(llc_way_size = get_llc_way_size()) )
+    {
+        printk(XENLOG_ERR
+               "Probed LLC way size is 0 and no custom value provided\n");
+        return false;
+    }
+    max_colors = llc_way_size / PAGE_SIZE;
+    /* The maximum number of colors must be a power of 2 in order to correctly
+       map colors to bits of an address. */
+    ASSERT((max_colors & (max_colors - 1)) == 0);
+    addr_col_mask = (max_colors - 1) << PAGE_SHIFT;
+    if ( !dom0_num_colors )
+    {
+        printk(XENLOG_WARNING
+               "Dom0 color config not found. Using default (all colors)\n");
+        dom0_num_colors = set_default_domain_colors(dom0_colors);
+    }
+    if ( !check_colors(dom0_colors, dom0_num_colors) )
+    {
+        printk(XENLOG_ERR "Bad color config for Dom0\n");
+        return false;
+    }
+    register_keyhandler('K', dump_coloring_info, "dump coloring info", 1);
+    return true;
+ * Local variables:
+ * mode: C
+ * c-file-style: "BSD"
+ * c-basic-offset: 4
+ * tab-width: 4
+ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ * End:
+ */
diff --git a/xen/arch/arm/include/asm/coloring.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd7eff5f07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xen/arch/arm/include/asm/coloring.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * xen/arm/include/asm/coloring.h
+ *
+ * Coloring support for ARM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Xilinx Inc.
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ *    Luca Miccio <lucmic...@gmail.com>
+ *    Carlo Nonato <carlo.non...@minervasys.tech>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_ARM_COLORING_H__
+#define __ASM_ARM_COLORING_H__
+#include <xen/init.h>
+bool __init coloring_init(void);
+#endif /* !__ASM_ARM_COLORING_H__ */

Missing emags magic as you added in coloring.c.

diff --git a/xen/arch/arm/include/asm/processor.h 
index 1dd81d7d52..85ff0caf1e 100644
--- a/xen/arch/arm/include/asm/processor.h
+++ b/xen/arch/arm/include/asm/processor.h
@@ -18,6 +18,22 @@
  #define CTR_IDC_SHIFT       28
  #define CTR_DIC_SHIFT       29
+/* CCSIDR Current Cache Size ID Register */
+#define CCSIDR_LINESIZE_MASK            0x7
+#define CCSIDR_NUMSETS_SHIFT            13
+#define CCSIDR_NUMSETS_MASK             0x3FFF

Please use ULL here otherwise someone using MASK << SHIFT will have the expected result.

My preference would be that all the MASK should have the same type. So this is easier to spot any mistake.

+/* CCSELR Cache Size Selection Register */
+#define CCSELR_LEVEL_MASK  0x7
+/* CLIDR Cache Level ID Register */
+#define CLIDR_CTYPEn_SHIFT(n) (3 * (n - 1))
+#define CLIDR_CTYPEn_MASK     0x7
+#define CLIDR_CTYPEn_LEVELS   7
  #define ICACHE_POLICY_VIPT   2
diff --git a/xen/arch/arm/setup.c b/xen/arch/arm/setup.c
index 500307edc0..c02f21c0e6 100644
--- a/xen/arch/arm/setup.c
+++ b/xen/arch/arm/setup.c
@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@
  #include <asm/setup.h>
  #include <xsm/xsm.h>
  #include <asm/acpi.h>
+#include <asm/coloring.h>

I would rather prefer if the #ifdef are moved in the header. So...

struct bootinfo __initdata bootinfo; @@ -930,6 +933,11 @@ void __init start_xen(unsigned long boot_phys_offset,
      printk("Command line: %s\n", cmdline);
+    if ( !coloring_init() )

... a stub for coloring_init() is provided and we avoid sprinkling the common code with #ifdef.

+        panic("Xen Coloring support: setup failed\n");
/* Parse the ACPI tables for possible boot-time configuration */


Julien Grall

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