On 03/09/22 02:52, Stefano Stabellini wrote:

I think we need Roberto's advice on Rule 20.7. (Full thread below.)

Hi there, sorry for the delay: I missed this message.
Please see below, where I took the freedom of rearranging the

The question is on the interpretation of Rule 20.7. Are parenthesis
required by Rule 20.7 in the following cases:

- macro parameters used as function arguments
> [...]
> - macro parameter used as lhs in assignment

You can obtain different semantics depending on whether parentheses
are or are not used (in the macro call and/or macro expansion
depending on the case):

#include <stdio.h>

void g(int v) {
  printf("%d\n", v);

#define m1(x, y, ...) g(y)

void f1(int x, int y, ...) {

#define p 0, 1

void test1() {
  m1(p, 2);
  f1(p, 2);

#define m4(x) x = 4

void f4(int &x) {
  x = 4;

void test4() {
  int y;
  int z;
  z = 3;
  m4(y = z);
  printf("%d\n", z);
  z = 3;
  f4(y = z);
  printf("%d\n", z);

int main() {

- macro parameters used as macro arguments

Please note that Rule 20.7 depends on the final expansion:
so whether parentheses are or are not used in a certain
macro body is irrelevant, the point being that, at the
end of all expansions, expressions resulting from the
expansion of macro parameters are enclosed in parentheses.

- macro parameter used as array index

This is safe today, but my understanding is that in C++23
the [] operator will accept more than one expression.
A similar change might (who knows?) be considered for C26
or even offered before (intentionally or by mistake) by some
C compiler.

Some of these cases are interesting because they should function
correctly even without parenthesis, hence the discussion. In particular
parenthesis don't seem necessary at least for the function argument

This is not the right spirit for MISRA compliance: why would you want
splitting hairs when inserting a pair of parentheses is so easy?
C and C++ are very complex languages, and the MISRA coding standards
are the result of a (very difficult!) compromise between simplicity
and effectiveness: rules that are exactly targeted to all and only all
the problematic instances would be very difficult to express and to remember.
So, yes: in many cases you might spend time to demonstrate that a particular
(real) MISRA violation does not imply the existence of a real issue,
but this time is not well spent.  Critical code must be boring and obviously
right, in the sense that whomever is reading the code should not be
distracted by thoughts like "there are no parentheses here: am I sure
nothing bad can happen?"

Regardless of the MISRA C interpretation, Xenia noticed that Eclair
reports violations on these cases (cppcheck does not, I don't know other

I am not aware of any false positives (or flse negatives) for the
current version of ECLAIR on Rule 20.7.  Nonetheless, ECLAIR can
be configured to selectively deviate on each of the cases mentioned
above by means of checker configuration.  However, as I said,
it only makes sense deviating the rule in the cases where you are
not allowed to add the parentheses (e.g., because both the macro
definition and the macro invocations are in legacy code you are
not allowed to touch).

In contrast, cppcheck is no more than a toy when MISRA compliance
is concerned.  It claims to support 153 out of 175 MISRA C:2012 guidelines.
For 103 of those 153 it has a significant number of false negatives (FN)
and false positives (FP).  I recently participated to an evaluation
of cppcheck 2.8 and here is a summary I can disclose:

Rule 1.3               FP
Rule 2.1               FN
Rule 2.2               FN+FP
Rule 2.4               FN+FP
Rule 2.5               FP
Rule 2.7               FP
Rule 3.2               FN
Rule 4.2               FN
Rule 5.1               FP
Rule 5.3               FN
Rule 5.6               FN+FP
Rule 5.7               FN+FP
Rule 5.8               FN+FP
Rule 5.9               FN+FP
Rule 6.1               FN+FP
Rule 7.1               FN
Rule 7.3               FN
Rule 7.4               FN+FP
Rule 8.1               FN
Rule 8.2               FN+FP
Rule 8.3               FN
Rule 8.4               FP
Rule 8.5               FN+FP
Rule 8.6               FP
Rule 8.7               FN
Rule 8.8               FN
Rule 8.9               FN
Rule 8.10              FN
Rule 8.13              FN
Rule 8.14              FP
Rule 9.1               FN+FP
Rule 9.3               FN
Rule 10.1              FN
Rule 10.2              FN
Rule 10.3              FN+FP
Rule 10.4              FP
Rule 10.5              FN+FP
Rule 10.6              FP
Rule 10.7              FN+FP
Rule 10.8              FP
Rule 11.1              FN+FP
Rule 11.2              FN
Rule 11.3              FN+FP
Rule 11.4              FP
Rule 11.5              FP
Rule 11.7              FN
Rule 11.8              FN+FP
Rule 11.9              FN
Rule 12.1              FN
Rule 12.2              FP
Rule 12.3              FP
Rule 13.1              FN
Rule 13.2              FN
Rule 13.4              FP
Rule 13.5              FN
Rule 13.6              FP
Rule 14.2              FN
Rule 14.3              FN
Rule 15.5              FN+FP
Rule 15.6              FN+FP
Rule 16.1              FN
Rule 16.3              FN
Rule 16.6              FP
Rule 16.7              FP
Rule 17.1              FP
Rule 17.2              FN+FP
Rule 17.4              FN
Rule 17.5              FN
Rule 17.7              FP
Rule 18.1              FN
Rule 18.3              FN
Rule 18.4              FP
Rule 19.1              FN
Rule 19.2              FP
Rule 20.2              FN
Rule 20.4              FP
Rule 20.5              FN
Rule 20.7              FP
Rule 20.9              FN
Rule 20.10             FP
Rule 20.12             FP
Rule 21.1              FN+FP
Rule 21.2              FN
Rule 21.3              FP
Rule 21.6              FP
Rule 21.8              FN+FP
Rule 21.12             FN
Rule 21.13             FP
Rule 21.14             FN
Rule 21.15             FN
Rule 21.16             FN+FP
Rule 21.17             FN
Rule 21.18             FN
Rule 21.19             FN
Rule 21.20             FN
Rule 22.1              FP
Rule 22.2              FN+FP
Rule 22.5              FN
Rule 22.6              FN
Rule 22.7              FN
Rule 22.8              FN+FP
Rule 22.9              FN+FP
Rule 22.10             FP

These results are clearly relative to the testsuite employed:
while very large, it cannot of course reach 100% coverage.
For instance, if you noticed Rule 20.7 reports given by
ECLAIR and not by cppcheck, then maybe line

Rule 20.7              FP

should be

Rule 20.7              FN+FP

If you can let me have an indication of the code that
ECLAIR is flagging for Rule 20.7 and cppcheck does not
flag, I will be happy to double-check.

While the sheer amount of false negatives of cppcheck 2.8 precludes
its use for safety-related development, the many false positives
are also a big problem: people will waste time investigating
them and, unless they have been properly trained on the
MISRA guidelines so as to be able to recognize false positives,
they might be tempted to change the code when there is no
reason to do so.  When the latter thing happens, code quality
will typically decrease.

Kind regards,


On Fri, 2 Sep 2022, Xenia Ragiadakou wrote:
On 9/2/22 05:07, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
On Thu, 1 Sep 2022, Bertrand Marquis wrote:
Hi Xenia,

On 1 Sep 2022, at 10:27, Xenia Ragiadakou <burzalod...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 9/1/22 01:35, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
Patches 1, 4, and 6 are already committed. I plan to commit patches 2,
and 5 in the next couple of days.
Patch 7 needs further discussions and it is best addressed during the
next MISRA C sync-up.

I would like to share here, before the next MISRA C sync, my
understandings that will hopefully resolve a wrong impression of mine,
that I may have spread around, regarding this rule.
There was a misunderstanding regarding the rule 20.7 from my part and I
think that Jan is absolutely right that parenthesizing macro parameters
used as function arguments is not required by the rule.

The rule 20.7 states "Expressions resulting from the expansion of macro
parameters shall be enclosed in parentheses" and in the rationale of the
rule states "If a macro parameter is not being used as an expression
then the parentheses are not necessary because no operators are

Initially, based on the title, my understanding was that it requires for
the expression resulting from the expansion of the macro to be enclosed
in parentheses. Then, based on the rule explanation and the examples
given,  my understanding was that it requires the macro parameters that
are used as expressions to be enclosed in parentheses.
But, after re-thinking about it, the most probable and what makes more
sense, is that it require parentheses around the macro parameters that
are part of an expression and not around those that are used as

Therefore, macro parameters being used as function arguments are not
required to be enclosed in parentheses, because the function arguments
are part of an expression list, not of an expression (comma is evaluated
as separator, not as operator).
While, macro parameters used as rhs and lhs expressions of the
assignment operator are required to be enclosed in parentheses because
they are part of an assignment expression.

I verified that the violation reported by cppcheck is not due to missing
parentheses around the function argument (though still I have not
understood the origin of the warning). Also, Eclair does not report it.

Hence, it was a misunderstanding of mine and there is no inconsistency,
with respect to this rule, in adding parentheses around macro parameters
used as rhs of assignments. The rule does not require adding parentheses
around macro parameters used as function arguments and neither cppcheck
nor Eclair report violation for missing parentheses around macro
parameters used as function arguments.

Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation :-)

What you say does make sense and I agree with your analysis here, only
protect when part of an expression and not use as a subsequent parameter
(for a function or an other macro).

Yeah I also agree with your analysis, and many thanks for
double-checking the cppcheck and Eclair's reports.

Unfortunately in the specific case that I checked, it was not reported because
it was actually an argument to a macro, not a function.
Eclair does report as violations of Rule 20.7 the macro parameters that are
used as function arguments and are not enclosed in parentheses.

So, one tool reports it as violation and the other one not.

The same goes, also, for the case where a macro parameter is used as index to
an array. Eclair reports it as violation while cppcheck does not.

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