Hello everyone,
As announced during earlier community call, I'm posting here to announce our 
intention to bootstrap Xen support of AMD SEV-SNP technology. In very short, 
this hardware extension on AMD CPUs will allow to run encrypted memory in 
guests, except for explicitly permitted areas. The obvious example use case is 
running this technology in the Cloud, introducing an increased level of trust 
since even Xen or Dom0 couldn't read encrypted guests memory.

For reference, here is our current "base" document to discuss further: 

The first action that should be organized is a "design/discussion session" to 
clarify some choices and put things in motion with clear initial and achievable 
targets. It would be nice to meet relatively soon (ie: next week).

Here is a Doodle link we'll use to choose the best day to meet:


I selected on purpose an hour to get a suitable schedule for both US and EU 
based people: the same hour than the Xen community call, which is 3:00 PM UTC, 
4:00 PM London time, 5:00 PM Paris time and finally 11:00 AM New-York time.

I will let the Doodle opened until the end of the week to let you know quickly 
here which day was selected.

Regarding the meeting location: https://meet.vates.fr/sev (Jitsi powered)

Let me know if you need any other information or if you have any question :)


Olivier Lambert | Vates CEO
XCP-ng & Xen Orchestra - Vates solutions
w: vates.fr | xcp-ng.org | xen-orchestra.com

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