Hi all,

The proposed agenda is in 
https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/edit/UQhtWwPPUUD6p2gWGXEPrIc1/ and you can edit 
to add items.  Alternatively, you can reply to this mail directly.

Agenda items appreciated a few days before the call: please put your name 
besides items if you edit the document.

Note the following administrative conventions for the call:
* Unless, agreed in the pervious meeting otherwise, the call is on the 1st 
Tuesday of each month at 1600 British Time (either GMT or BST)
* I usually send out a meeting reminder a few days before with a provisional 

* To allow time to switch between meetings, we'll plan on starting the agenda 
at 16:05 sharp.  Aim to join by 16:03 if possible to allocate time to sort out 
technical difficulties &c

* If you want to be CC'ed please add or remove yourself from the sign-up-sheet 
at https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/edit/D9vGzihPxxAOe6RFPz0sRCf+/

Best Regards

== Dial-in Information ==
## Meeting time
16:00 - 17:00 UTC
Further International meeting times: 

## Dial in details
Web: https://meet.jit.si/XenProjectCommunityCall

Dial-in info and pin can be found here:


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