Stefano Stabellini <> writes:

> On Mon, 6 Sep 2021, AKASHI Takahiro wrote:
>> > the second is how many context switches are involved in a transaction.
>> > Of course with all things there is a trade off. Things involving the
>> > very tightest latency would probably opt for a bare metal backend which
>> > I think would imply hypervisor knowledge in the backend binary.
>> In configuration phase of virtio device, the latency won't be a big matter.
>> In device operations (i.e. read/write to block devices), if we can
>> resolve 'mmap' issue, as Oleksandr is proposing right now, the only issue is
>> how efficiently we can deliver notification to the opposite side. Right?
>> And this is a very common problem whatever approach we would take.
>> Anyhow, if we do care the latency in my approach, most of virtio-proxy-
>> related code can be re-implemented just as a stub (or shim?) library
>> since the protocols are defined as RPCs.
>> In this case, however, we would lose the benefit of providing "single binary"
>> BE.
>> (I know this is is an arguable requirement, though.)
> In my experience, latency, performance, and security are far more
> important than providing a single binary.
> In my opinion, we should optimize for the best performance and security,
> then be practical on the topic of hypervisor agnosticism. For instance,
> a shared source with a small hypervisor-specific component, with one
> implementation of the small component for each hypervisor, would provide
> a good enough hypervisor abstraction. It is good to be hypervisor
> agnostic, but I wouldn't go extra lengths to have a single binary.

I agree it shouldn't be a primary goal although a single binary working
with helpers to bridge the gap would make a cool demo. The real aim of
agnosticism is avoid having multiple implementations of the backend
itself for no other reason than a change in hypervisor.

> I cannot picture a case where a BE binary needs to be moved between
> different hypervisors and a recompilation is impossible (BE, not FE).
> Instead, I can definitely imagine detailed requirements on IRQ latency
> having to be lower than 10us or bandwidth higher than 500 MB/sec.
> Instead of virtio-proxy, my suggestion is to work together on a common
> project and common source with others interested in the same problem.
> I would pick something like kvmtool as a basis. It doesn't have to be
> kvmtools, and kvmtools specifically is GPL-licensed, which is
> unfortunate because it would help if the license was BSD-style for ease
> of integration with Zephyr and other RTOSes.

This does imply making some choices, especially the implementation
language. However I feel that C is really the lowest common denominator
here and I get the sense that people would rather avoid it if they could
given the potential security implications of a bug prone back end. This
is what is prompting interest in Rust.

> As long as the project is open to working together on multiple
> hypervisors and deployment models then it is fine. For instance, the
> shared source could be based on OpenAMP kvmtool [1] (the original
> kvmtool likely prefers to stay small and narrow-focused on KVM). OpenAMP
> kvmtool was created to add support for hypervisor-less virtio but they
> are very open to hypervisors too. It could be a good place to add a Xen
> implementation, a KVM fatqueue implementation, a Jailhouse
> implementation, etc. -- work together toward the common goal of a single
> BE source (not binary) supporting multiple different deployment models.
> [1]

Alex Bennée

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